Cqs Cayman LP has raised its new Monsanto (MON) pile


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July 14, 2018 – By Clifton Ray

<img src = "http://teletechwire.com/wp-content/uploads/logos/Logos/MON.png" alt = "Monsanto Company (NYSE : MON) Logo "title =" Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON) Logo "style =" float: left; Investor confidence dropped to 0.75 in the first quarter of 2018, down 0.06 from 0 , 81 in the fourth quarter of 2017. It fell, as 70 investors sold MON shares while 339 reduced their holdings, 311.73 million shares, or 1.80% less, compared to 317.44 million shares QBS Asset Management Americas Incorporated has invested 0% in Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON). Nichols Pratt Advisers Limited Ma Liability Partnership holds 65,709 shares, or 0.7% of its shares. Corporation reported owning 492,600 shares, while Old Mutual Customized Solutions (owner) holds 7,692 shares or 0.09% of its portfolios the, of which 6,200 were accumulated by Fairfax Limited Can. Stanley reported holding 0.3% of its portfolio in Monsanto Company (NYSE: Lc) Lc Term Accumulated 0.05% or 2,680 Shares Bkd Wealth Advisors Limited Liability holds 1,643 shares, or 0.02% of its portfolio American, and Amp Capital Ltd reported a 0.12% stake. 01% in Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON). First Trust Advisors Lp has accumulated 9,599 shares. Tctc Limited Co holds 2,780 shares, representing 0.02% of its US portfolio. Stratos Wealth Partners Limited has accumulated 5,254 shares. Harding Loevner Limited Partnership holds 909,244 shares. Qci Asset Mgmt Incorporated New York invested 0.01% or 708 shares

Michael Hintze increased his interest in Monsanto Co New (MON) by 432.02% based on his latest regulatory filings with the SEC in 2018Q1 . Cqs Cayman Lp bought 715,000 shares, as the company's shares rose 2.93% as stock markets fell. The hedge fund managed by Michael Hintze held 880,500 shares of the agricultural chemicals company at the end of the first quarter of 2018, valued at $ 102.75 million, up from 165,500 at the end of the previous quarter. Cqs Cayman Lp who had been investing in Monsanto Co New for several months, seems to be optimistic about the $ 56.46 billion market capitalization company. The stock rose 0.02% or $ 0.02 over the last trading day, reaching $ 127.95. About 7.06 million shares were traded, or 69.45% more than the average. Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON) has grown 8.56% since July 14, 2017 and is up. It underperformed the S & P500 by 4.01%.

Cqs Cayman Lp, which manages about US $ 2.17 billion Long Portfolio, reduced its stake in Twenty First Centy Fox Inc. (NASDAQ: FOX) by 877,411 shares to 1.12 million shares, Worth $ 40.90 M in 2018Q1, depending on the deposit. It also reduced its stake in Ctrip Com Intl Ltd. (Prn) of 11.04 million shares during the quarter, leaving it with 27.02 million shares, and reduced its stake in Liberty Broadband Corp.

Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON) rating cover [19659009] Of the 3 badysts covering Monsanto (NYSE: MON), 0 have Buy, 1 Sell, and 2 Suspend. So 0 are positive. Monsanto has the highest $ 128.0 and the lowest $ 12800 goal. The average goal of $ 128 is 0.04% above the $ 127.95 price. Monsanto has had 3 badyst reports since January 17, 2018 according to SRatingsIntel. The company was downgraded on Monday April 16th by Argus Research. The title "Hold" was awarded to Wells Fargo on Wednesday, January 17th. The stock was "held" by BMO Capital Markets on Monday, April 9.

  Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON) Institutional Positions Table "title =" Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON) Institutional Positions Table

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By Clifton Ray

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