WATCH: Broadcast images of rocket attacks today and the Israeli response


Today, Palestinian terrorists have launched more than 100 rockets and mortar shells at Israeli civilians. No, not in empty fields to try to scare us, but in populated areas for kill .

Watch: This is a rocket that was fired not long ago by Hamas terrorists in Gaza. The rocket fell in the city of Sderot.

Sderot and other cities were bombarded with hundreds of Hamas rockets

We have the right and the duty to protect our people and to strike terrorists.

– Ofir Gendelman (@ofirgendelman) July 14, 2018

Including a children's playground

One of the rockets that Hamas terrorists have used the afternoon on the city of Sderot fell on a playground.

Would a country accept the bombing of civilians by bloodthirsty terrorists? Of course not.

That is why we act forcefully against Hamas terrorism.

– Ofir Gendelman (@ofirgendelman) 14 July 2018

And a synagogue

#BREAKING A synagogue was struck by a Hamas rocket at Sderot (southern Israel)

– Yosef Yisrael (@ yosefyisrael25) July 14, 2018

Three Israelis have been injured – a 52-year-old man with a chest injury caused by shrapnel, and two girls, ages 14 and 15, with limb injuries. Fortunately, no one was killed, but as you can see from where the rockets and mortar hit, not by Hamas' lack of testing.

Israel responded to the rocket and mortar by hitting more than 40 terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip. Strip, including 2 terrorist tunnels, 2 major logistics centers and a headquarters of the Hamas battalion in Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza. But unlike Hamas rockets, they aimed at the terrorist infrastructure, with attempts to avoid or limit civilian casualties.

Before the start of the strikes, the IDF's Arab spokesman, Major Avichay Adraee, sent warnings to civilians in the Gaza Strip in Arabic warning them to stay away from areas where they know that terrorist acts are in progress. Up to now, there are no known casualties on the Gaza side

It turns out that there were losses on the Gaza side – at least according to the Palestinian Ministry of Justice. Health that reported that two teenagers had been killed

This following video from Gaza could give us a glimpse of why (hat: Uri)

This seems to be after one of the first strikes on a high-rise building in a civilian area, which served as a training center for Hamas. Notice how, instead of running for cover, civilians stand up and start filming. I guess they want no more IDF strikes on the building or the area so that they can get good propaganda pictures (or at least pictures for sale to the media). They may even know that the building was going to be hit because it was a known Hamas training center.

So, when you wonder why there are losses on the Palestinian side, remember those pictures. they did not provide bomb shelters for civilians, instead using money to build rockets and terrorist tunnels.

And when you hear that there are not many casualties on the Israeli side, remember that we have 1945-19003 shelters against the bombs to which our civilians were subjected. flee to save their lives – and despite the murderous intent of Palestinian terrorists.

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