Court of First Instance maintains house arrest of Israeli suspect in arson in State Duma


Israel's Supreme Court confirmed Sunday the decision to release an Israeli suspect during a firebomb attack in 2015 that killed a Palestinian family under house arrest, after rejecting part of his confession. the decision of a lower court on Thursday, ordering the suspect to make a very restricted house arrest, dismissing an appeal from state prosecutors to detain the 19-year-old man.

The suspect was 17 years old at the time of the attack. Considered a minor, he is accused of being an accomplice of a racially motivated murder for his alleged involvement in the planning of the July 2015 arson that killed a Palestinian child and his parents. Restricted house arrest for the suspect whose identity was not disclosed. The decision was the last sign that the prosecution of the suspect may be flawed.

The same month, the same court rejected part of the confession of the minor and principal suspect, Amiram Ben-Uliel of the northwest. Bankruptcy of Shilo Bank

The court ruled that the confessions he had expelled were obtained under physical restraint that defense lawyers describe as torture

 Ynet [19659002] specified the techniques used by investigators in obtaining their confessions, but the Israeli daily Haaretz stated that they generally included "painful physical means such as binding their hands and feet. .. or prolonged uncomfortable kneeling "

Thursday's ruling that" the fact of disqualifying some of the evidence does not significantly change the status of the evidence and the chances of condemning it in the case " .

Eighteen-month-old Ali Dawabsha was burned to death when the family home in the West Bank village of Douma was set on fire. His parents later died of their wounds. His brother Ahmed, four at the time of the attack, was the only survivor of the immediate family, but he was seriously injured

The Israeli security services have come under heavy pressure to arrest and try those responsible.

Ben-Uliel He was charged in January 2016 with three counts of murder and attempted murder, arson and conspiracy to commit a hate crime. He was 21 years old at the time of his indictment.

AFP contributed to this report.

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