Bayit Yehudi rejects Netanyahu's compromise on the Jewish nation-state bill – Israel News


  Bezalel Smotrich

Bezalel Smotrich ..
(Photo credit: Courtesy / Regavim)


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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit found a Sunday morning compromise on a controversial clause in the Jewish nation-state bill, but Bayit Yehudi immediately rejected it.

The controversial clause allows communities to limit themselves to people of their own religion. It was intended to thwart a Supreme Court ruling that banned Jewish communities from banning Arabs but allowed minorities to ban Jews.

The new version of the clause written on behalf of Netanyahu by the ministerial liaison with the Knesset, Tourism Minister Yariv Levin, is much less specific.

"The state will encourage, establish and strengthen Jewish settlement in such a way as to make clear that encouraging Jewish colonization is a legitimate way to implement the Zionist vision and is not not unacceptable discrimination or inequality ". 19659016] Bayit Yehudi MK Smotrich Bezalel expressed outrage at the compromise and told the deputy of the joint list, Ahmed Tibi, at the beginning of a committee meeting in the Knesset that Arab deputies had forced Netanyahu to surrender to them

To defend Israel as a Jewish state in a practical way, one must return their keys and go home, "said Smotrich." Netanyahu and Mandelblit's attempts to castrate the bill and to empty it of their practical content are an abandonment of too much, after Netanyahu also surrendered to migrant workers and terrorist attacks of incendiary kites ".

elaborate compromises on this clause, and another on the State and Diaspora Relations Meanwhile, MPs voted in committee on less controversial amendments to the bill