Former representative Joe Walsh explains how Sacha Baron Cohen tricked him by helping him to arm the toddlers with rifles


Former Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh, joined Sarah Palin and Roy Moore to criticize Sacha Baron Cohen's new series of satires, "Who Is America?", In an interview granted at CNN Saturday

. people say stupid things, "Walsh told the network." He's getting people to say stupid things because he's lying to them. "

Walsh was one of many politicians and experts that Cohen fooled into the premiere of Showtime's comedy.The conservative talk show host appeared in the latest segment of the show titled "KILL OR BE KILLED" in which Cohen – as a fake Israeli "anti-terrorist" Col Erran Morad – offers a "solution" to the epidemic of shootings in America

"The NRA wants to arm teachers. It's crazy. They should arm the children, "says Cohen as Morad says, before introducing his (fake) new program called" Guardians of the Guard. "The program would arm children as early as age 3 and the would lead to using the weapons against the "villains." It is clear that 3 is the age limit, however, because "they do not call them both terrible for nothing."

During the segment, Cohen -as-Morad Teams with Weapons Rights Activists and President of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Philip Van Cleave, to create a partially animated children's video, filled with guns (rifles that look like stuffed animals) and even a nursery rhyme on the best part of the body to hit ("Aim the head, the shoulders, not the toes, not the toes," sings Van Cleave, punctuated by Cohen-en-Morad shouting "fire!".

Cohen-as -Morad then goes to Washington, DC, to find political support for his program This is what is being done by several prominent members of the Right, including Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) and MP Joe Wilson (RSC), as well as the former Republican Leader of the Senate, Trent Lott. It's here that he meets Walsh, who enthusiastically supports the program.

"The three-week Kinderguardian Intensive Course features pistols, rifles, semiautomates and a rudimentary knowledge of mortars, specially selected for children ages 12 to 4," says Walsh. directly in the camera. "In less than a month – less than a month – a first grader can become a first grenade-er."

"Happy shooting, children," he adds. As Walsh explained on CNN, Cohen fooled him by saying that he was receiving a prize from an Israeli television channel because I am a big supporter of the ############################################################ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 39; Israel. "

" After conducting an interview, they made me read a teleprompter that talked about some innovative products that Israel invented, "explained Walsh. "Then they made me read about this 4-year-old boy in Israel who, when a terrorist entered his clbad, seized the terrorist's weapon and held the terrorist away And it was an example of how Israel trains and arms preschoolers on how to use firearms, and should not the boy do it in America? ? "

He said," Well, that's nice. "Later," we found out that this whole thing was invented. "

Walsh said that it was n? had not realized until 3 o'clock in the morning that he had been "Fooled." He reiterated on Twitter on Sunday that "no, I do not believe we should train and arm the children's gardens."

The former deputy also took Twitter last week to explain what happened to him Walsh is only one of many people angry at Cohen for the new show, including l & rsquo; Former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin who claimed to have been the victim of a "really sick" joke in which she flew across the country to meet a disabled American veteran – who, of course, was Cohen disguised.


Sarah Palin flew over the country to talk about veterans. It was a joke of Sacha Baron Cohen

Here's how Sacha Baron Cohen cheats celebrities in embarrbading interviews, starting with 'Da Ali G Show'.

Review: Sacha Baron Cohen still knows how to punk America, but his new show erodes the little confidence we have left

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