Archaeologists have discovered a beautiful Neolithic village in the Jerusalem Valley that arose 9,000 years ago


This large Neolithic farming community was comfortably placed near two streams in Motza and was suddenly abandoned 400 years after its creation.

A large neolithic community that dates back to 9000 years ago was discovered by archaeologists near two streams in Motza, can be found sitting in a comfortable place under the hills of Jerusalem. The remains of skeletons, stone houses and magnificent temples were all discovered during the planning phases of the construction of a new road.

As stated Haaretz the Neolithic village measures 500 meters and is said to have supported a thriving community of about 1,000 people. Interestingly, after being inhabited for about 400 years, the village was abandoned for a reason that is not yet understood, to get back 5,000 years later to the heyday of the Empire Roman

made of flint, with buildings shaped into stone bricks and mud. The villagers who resided here would have been one of the first groups of humans to choose to live in a sedentary community, thus avoiding their hunting and gathering lifestyle

. This 9,000-year-old Motza village is one of the first communities According to Hamoudi Khalaily, of the Antiquities Authority, who explained that "Neolithic settlements were flourishing at the time".

In fact, the prosperous community was doing so well in its farming businesses. that they were able to build large public buildings and dye the plaster of their buildings in red, indicating that they had to have a lot of free time.

9000-year-old Neolithic city discovered near Jerusalem, revealing a mystery: https: //

– (@haaretzcom) July 15, 2018

After reviewing the tools found in the community, archaeologists have spotted some differences between those that were commonly used inside homes and those that were retrieved from public spaces.

Previous excavations have shown that the Motza Valley has been home to people since the very beginning of mankind. this 9,000-year-old community was probably the largest of its kind in the region.

In terms of livelihood, the Neolithic who would have lived here survived with a diet of badgers, hares, gazelles and wild boars, while also consuming pigs, goats, cows and sheep. Although some of these animals may well have been domesticated at the time, including pigs, others certainly were not. For example, the domestication of sheep took place for the first time in Anatolia and would have occurred about 10,000 years ago, so it is highly likely that sheep were still wild in the Jerusalem Valley during this period. There would have been beans, lentils, barley and wheat, and archaeologists have discovered evidence showing that these species had been successfully cultured and domesticated by the community rather than being harvested from them. the nature

Hermann J. Knippertz


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As Khalaily explained, the attitude towards life and death also changed markedly when humans settled and were started living in communities like these. individuals curled up in the fetal position were found beneath the floors of some houses in this Neolithic village, many of whom were children.

"During the transition period between hunting and gathering, the attitude towards the children, in life and death, changed.If a baby dies, they do not consider it important or the l & # 39; After the people settled in, they started burying the babies. "

Now that this 9000-year-old village is being excavated, archaeologists are hoping to find out more about why it was abandoned 8,700 years ago. again in 200 BCE.

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