Knesset Passes Bill to Limit Palestinians' Access to High Court – Arab-Israeli Conflict


  High Court of Justice of Israel

High Court of Justice of Israel.


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Knesset to hold one last controversial vote this week on legislation that limits Palestinians' access to the High Court of Justice and is considered the last step towards de facto annexation of the West Bank. The move is part of an attempt by right-wing politicians to prevent the demolition of illegal settler houses and to ensure that Jews living in Judea and Samaria enjoy the same access to lower courts as those who live inside the sovereign Israel. The rights of residents of Judea and Samaria are no less important than those of Green Line citizens, "said Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, author of the bill

. Shaked spoke after the Constitutional, Justice and Knesset Committee voted Sunday 8-7 to return the bill to the plenary for a second and third reading

]. Atid) At the meeting of the committee,

MK Karin Elharar (Yesh Atid) said: "It is the law of annexation.If you are brave enough to annex, do it until you reach it. At the end. "

The representatives of the army, who testified before the committee, said that they did not understand the effectiveness of the law

MK Michal Rozin ( Meretz) said: "This is an attempt to prevent Palestinians from demanding rights to their land."

It also allows for the "theft" of land, said Rozin, adding that legislation was a reward right-wing for the demolitions ordered by the High Court of Amona.Outpost and 15 houses in the outpost of Netiv Ha'avot.

The Chairman of the MK Committee Nissan Slomiansky (Bayit Yehudi) said: "The inhabitants of Judea and Samaria are equal to those of Tel Aviv.

Legislation transfers land matters from the High Court of Justice to administrative tribunals, broadening their ability to hear legal cases outside the jurisdiction of sovereign Israel.

Shaked office said that the Judea and Samaria region "and puts an end to discrimination against Jewish residents of the region by the High Court, which does not review the land status and therefore confines itself to ruling on the information available to the state.

the defendant, Shaked's office said .The transfer of cases to the administrative court would place the burden of proof on the defendant, declared Shaked

In addition to the issues concerning the illegal construction of settlers, the bill also transfers appeals from the decisions of the Supreme Planning Council for Judea and Samaria.

In addition, the bill also transfers the cases concerning entry and exit visas, freedom of information and prohibition orders.

In the course of the debate, the Law Commission rejected 447 applications for re-examination [19659017] Last year, the Knesset pbaded another important piece of legislation that also aimed to end the demolitions of settler homes. The settlement settlement law retroactively allows illegal settlers' homes on Palestinian private property in return for financial compensation to the Palestinian landowner.

The High Court of Justice rules on the legality of this law

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