Israel strikes two Hamas targets in Gaza in response to airborne fire bombs – Israel News


The Israeli army on Monday hit two Hamas targets in northern Gaza, the army confirmed.

According to an IDF statement, the targets were close to where incendiary balloons were being thrown at Israel. He said the attack was launched in response to Hamas-led "fire terrorism" against Israel.

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The strikes are the first after the security cabinet ordered the military on Sunday to continue responding to airborne firebombs launched from Gaza to Israel.

There was no immediate report of losses. Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said: "The threats of high-ranking Israelis will not undermine the desire of the Palestinian people to continue the fight by all means at its disposal, to obtain their rights, in the first place, the withdrawal of the siege will not deter the resistance forces from continuing their defensive actions on behalf of the Palestinian people. "

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that "the exchange of coups" with Hamas was not over. Speaking during a visit to the southern city of Sderot, the prime minister said: "It does not end with one shot."

This was Netanyahu's first visit to an Israeli community near the Gaza border since the launch of airborne firebombs to Israel. During the visit, Netanyahu referred to reports on a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. "There is no ceasefire for us that excludes kites and balloons."

"For a hundred years, we have been fighting terrorism, fighting it with force, here at this moment it is the line of friction between Islamic terror and the Jewish state. and we are determined to win the exchange of blows, it is not over yet, "said Netanyahu.

Israel on Sunday deployed an Iron Dome anti-missile defense system in the Tel Aviv region following the escalation of Gaza this weekend.

A ceasefire between Israel and Hamas was announced on Saturday night, after nearly 200 projectiles were fired at Israeli communities from Gaza. Despite the agreement, a number of rockets have been fired overnight from Gaza, and Israel said it attacked Palestinians in Gaza who launched airborne firebombs from Gaza on Sunday.

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