Burt holds the Prime Minister's First Question Period


Posted 16 July 2018 at 13:28
(Last updated on July 16, 2018 at 13:28)

  •   David Burt, Prime Minister, during his first Question Period last Friday (Photo provided)

    David Burt, Prime Minister, during his first Question Period last Friday (Photo provided)

David Burt entrusted to MP Patricia Gordon -Pamplin that the building was acquired by the Bermuda Housing Corporation acting through the Department of Public Works.

million. Burt spoke at the inaugural inaugural period of questions yesterday in Parliament Friday.

Dennis Lister Jr., Speaker of the House, allowed opposition leader Jeanne Atherden to begin with three questions, while other members received each.

Ms Atherden asked the Prime Minister the state of "better agreement" for the redevelopment of the airport promised before the general election. in July 2017.

Mr. Burt criticized the opposition for what he said was an airport deal with "unspeakable conditions" that made the deal impossible. [19659005] Ms. Atherden also challenged Mr. Burt to disclose the details of the Bermuda Hospitals Board's public-private partnership contract for the new hospital.

million. Burt said that if he had made such a commitment, he would be "happy to In response to Ms. Atherden's third question, he told the opposition that the electronic payment system of the tax on the payroll was to be posted by July 30.

Neville Tyrrell, Progressive Labor Party MP He asked for the number of students from Bermuda College who had benefited from additional funds provided by the government

Mr. Burt stated that 213 students had benefited from it and added that the additional support would continue "absolutely."

Michael Dunkley the Minister of National Security in the shadow, that 39 he had met with representatives of the cryptocurrency firm Arbitrade – but that a $ 1 million donation from the company, which would have been made last week, should go through the Fintech Development Fund, which prop t still being created

Christopher Famous of the PLP asked Mr. Burt details about the progress of the commitment to install wi-fi in all public schools

. Mr. Burt told members, in response to a question from the government bad, Lawrence Scott, that 11 positions funded by the Department of Public Transportation had been awarded to students in the school. created after the "underfunding" left by the hiring freeze from the previous administration of the Bermuda Alliance.

He said that 19 Fintech companies had been incorporated into Bermuda, one of which had preceded the PLP government, with "24 others en route" after a question from Kim Swan, a PLP deputy

Rolfe Commissiong, MP The PLP backbench, questioned about level crossings and lighting in his Pembroke South East riding, learned that 55 locations were being improved. He added 16 new crossing points to the entire island

This was the Prime Minister's first question period, which will occupy half an hour of House work the second Friday of each month.

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