Natalie Portman wants to educate the world on Isaac Bashevis Singer | Entertainment


Natalie Portman paid tribute to the late writer Isaac Bashevis Singer for being a pioneer of animal rights.

The 37-year-old actress appears in a new video released by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) in She highlights all the important work accomplished by Singer – who died at the age of 88 in July 1991 – to educate people about the plight of animals around the world, especially those raised to go to our plates.

Portman made the video to mark the upcoming 40th anniversary of winning him the Nobel Prize for Literature this fall.

In the video, she says, "Isaac Singer grew up in the same part of Poland as my family.He fled the horrors of the Holocaust, but the cruelties he witnessed made Singer one of the most powerful writers of the 20th century. "

Referenced his autobiographical novel" Shosha "in which the Jewish writer wrote" We make the creatures of God the Nazis made us "- and his "The Slaughterer" story that he wrote for The New Yorker and that speaks of a young man who loves animals but who is named the ritual of mbadacre of his city and who l? leads to contemplate the roots of violence in society

As long as men shed blood of innocent creatures, there can be no peace, no freedom, no harmony. not live together. "

In his video aimed at teaching a new generation about Sing's legacy er, Portman says: "Nowadays, many of us speak for animals, but it was not always like that. Decades ago, a man so boldly articulated the plight of animals that the modern world could not ignore. "

The video also features Moby's music, directed by Bob Dylan's daughter, filmmaker Jesse Dylan,

Portman made the decision to cut meat from her diet as a child and has always respected her principles

The star of the 'Black Swan' – who was named the world's hottest vegetarian in 2015 – has already said of her decisions: "I've been a vegetarian since the age of nine and vegan. A good dough is probably my favorite dish. "

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