Ehud Barak worries that Israel will become a "messianic state"


Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak lambasted the current right-wing government led by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in a speech delivered Tuesday night at the Eretz Yisrael Museum in Tel Aviv.

"There are forces that distort space and time The pursuit of a single Jewish-Messianic state and a Muslim majority of citizens and subjects demands the destruction of the foundations and the institutions of the Zionist Democratic State, "said Barak.

Barak attacked the leaders of the national camp, saying that they were preventing the" divorce "between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs, which would lead to a reality: "The descent of Israel into a Muslim-majority country, a violent internal conflict that is not Jewish, is not Zionist and undemocratic, it is a change of dramatic and dangerous direction throughout the Zionist project. "

" The realization of this goal must be stopped by all possible means, because its realization is an existential threat to the Zionist project and for the existence of a Zionist-democratic Israel, "stressed Barak

According to Barak, "a tiny handful maneuvers a weak and under pressure leader, behind which is a populist party. , on an extremely dangerous road that goes against the national interest and the positions of the majority of the public. An absolute majority of the Israeli public wants to ensure a Jewish majority and a Zionist-democratic character for Israel, and thus, in the absence of an immediate possibility of agreement, to divorce Palestinians. "We are here and they are there", while ensuring a continuous security check over the entire area for any period of time required. "

" I call the citizens of the state: It's time to wake up, the state for its power and its achievements are yours, not ours, not the delusional group on margins.

"If, for the sake of clarity, we ignore the Likud radicals who are mainly dependent on their chances in the primaries, Netanyahu and the extremists who run it are a group that represents a tiny part of the public, but who manipulates the government as a tail wagging dog

"These are Bennett and Shaked. Behind them, Yogev and Smotrich. Among them are the rabbis Sadan and Lowenstein, and behind them are the figures of Rabbi Lior, patron of the badbadin Baruch Goldstein, whose decisions and teachings were believed to be the inspiration for the murderer of Rabin. Yes, my friends, it is the same rabbi who won a few years ago the title of "commando who heads the nation of Israel" Netanyahu. And who does not see Rabbi Ginzburg, one of the fathers of the book "Torat HaMelech", which deals with the laws of killing non-Jews. "19659002" It is the man whose theory of revenge was suspected to be the source And of course, Netanyahu also bothered to congratulate and praise, at about the same time , a video tape from Moscow, "said Barak

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