In this country, pregnant women arrive on the front line


Because waiting is difficult. And if you expect two, it's twice as hard.

Have you ever wondered how much time you spend in queuing? MIT professor Richard Larson believes that people can spend up to two years of their lives in this unfortunate situation.

It's a part of life that yearns for time and that is frustrating. But here's some good news: if you're pregnant and live in Israel, you do not have to line up in public places, thanks to a new law pbaded by the country this week.

The law is actually an amendment to the Law on the Equality of Women's Rights in Israel, signed in 1951. Now, wherever a public service is performed – supermarkets, shops, pharmacies and the post office, for just name a few – expectant moms can apply to be sent to the front line, and their application must be accepted.

 Gal Gadot walks on the red carpet while she is pregnant with her second child at the 74th Golden Globe Awards in 2017.

Israeli women such as Gal Gadot, shown here pregnant with her second child in 2017, can now jump the line. (Photo: Featureflash photo agency

"Pregnant women are sometimes forced to wait long and long
exhausting lines in supermarkets, shops, pharmacies, post office
and other places that provide a public service, "says the bill.
women the respect that they deserve and make their lives easier it is
proposed to amend the equal rights of women
Act, and determine that in a situation where a pregnant woman
ask, who will have the right to receive the public service without
stand in line. "

A similar law was pbaded in Israel in June 2017, giving people over the age of 80 the right to skip the line.

Israel is not the first country to do this. Brazil goes even further, requiring a line priority for people over 60 in businesses and government facilities. Failure to do so could result in a fine of $ 700.

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