Agudat Yisrael will remain in coalition for the moment


The Torah Council of the Agudat Yisrael Faction of the Unified Judaism Torah Party on Tuesday ordered its Knesset representatives to delay their departure from the government on the bill until the beginning of the year. month of Eloul

. On Sunday, the government asked the Supreme Court to extend the deadline for pbadage of the seven-month bill to a deep stalemate among the haredi parties over the wording of the bill.

In 2015, the Netanyahu government amended a bill pbaded the previous year that had imposed limits on the number of permanent full-time yeshiva students eligible for postponement projects. FID, limiting the number of years most students would qualify for postponements. the deadlines for full-time students, restoring the status quo ante that prevails in Israel since the late 1970s

In 2017, however, the Supreme Court intervened, dismissing the 2015 law and giving the government until the end of the year. in September 2018 to pbad a replacement. Without a new law pbaded in September, thousands of Yeshiva students could find themselves in the impossibility of renewing their annual postponements, which would make them potentially responsible for the project.

With the impending deadline, the government has desperately tried to pbad the bill. The summer session of the Knesset ends. However, the Haredi factions were unable to find any ground on the wording of the law resulting from an internal power struggle.

The Knesset approved the bill at first reading last Monday, with 63 MPs voting in favor of the law.

The bill was approved despite the haredi parties who voted against it, because Yair Lapid's Yesh Atid party supported him from the opposition.

The law sets recruitment targets for haredim, which number each year, and imposes economic sanctions on yeshivas that do not meet these recruitment goals. Another clause states that the law will be repealed if the Haredim fail to meet the recruitment targets for three consecutive years.

The haredim allowed the bill to pbad the first reading, but threatened to leave the coalition if it does not suffer The Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman threatened to leave the government last week if no compromise Is found on the bill in a week

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