With flaming torches, Israel punctuates the night skies of Tehran while the secrets of Iran's Nuke are quickly taken


A lengthy report in the New York Times on Sunday provides new details about the Mossad operation in January through which Israel captured 50,000 pages of evidence detailing the Iranian nuclear program.

In January, Israel used a Mossad-orchestrated operation in Iran to capture more than 50,000 pages and 163 compact discs of memos, videos, and plans related to Tehran's nuclear program.

An article in the New York Times Sunday edition written by David Sanger and Ronen Bregman gave details of the operation. Mossad agents turned off the alarms, broke two doors, opened dozens of giant chests and escaped to Tehran with half a ton of secret documents.

The Times reporters conclude after reviewing the documents: "Despite Iran's insistence on peaceful purposes, the country had worked in the past to systematically bademble everything it needed to produce atomic weapons. "

Netanyahu also showed photographic evidence of the Fordo nuclear site built on the flank of a Tehran mountain, and said that since the signing of the nuclear agreement with the international group P5 + 1 , a reference to the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council: China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States, plus Germany, The Washington Post reported that the ambitious and highly secretive efforts of the Iran to build nuclear weapons included Documents show that the Iranian authorities stopped much of the work in 2003, but internal memos show that scientists Experienced scientists have done extensive research on the fabrication of uranium metal. plans to pursue several projects in secret, hidden in existing military research programs, according to the report.

"The work would be divided in two: secret (secret structure and objectives) and openly," writes an Iranian scientist in a memo. "This archive explains why we have doubts," a senior Israeli official told US journalists at the January information meeting in Tehran. in Tel Aviv. The official, like the other participants, insisted on anonymity by discussing highly sensitive documents and intelligence operations.

"That explains why [nuclear deal] is worse than nothing, because it leaves key parts of the nuclear program unanswered" official said. "This does not block Iran's way to the bomb." It paves the way for Iran's bomb. "

In addition to seeing the evidence itself, NYT reporters have also received details on how the Mossad has managed this daring operation. Specifically, the article explains that Mossad agents "mov [ed] in a warehouse in a dismal commercial district of Tehran [and] knew exactly how long they had to turn off alarms, break two doors, cut off dozens of giants "

" Once the Iranian guards arrived, it would be immediately clear that someone had stolen much of the country's clandestine nuclear archives, "The agents used" torches that burned at least 3600 degrees, hot enough, as they knew from the information gathered during the planning of the operation, "he explained. "The journalists were provided with these details, the Israeli government refused to reveal how the evidence was removed from Iranian territory, not to cut through the 32 Iran-made coffers," the Times reports.

Israeli officials, who do not want to reveal whether the documents left by land, by air or by sea, although they escaped from the coast, a few hours drive from Tehran, seem the least risky. 19659003] The article also quotes a number of experts, including Robert Kelley, a nuclear engineer and former inspector of the International Atomic Energy Agency, who commented to The Times: " The newspapers show that these guys were working on nuclear bombs. "

In April, President Donald Trump announced that the United States would leave the Iranian nuclear agreement of 2015, which lifted crippling economic sanctions against the Islamic Republic in exchange for concessions that critics said Agreement, would not offer any protection against the Iranian nuclear breakout. Signing the agreement in 2015, Tehran continued to test intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, in addition to financing and arming terrorist proxies throughout the region, such as Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Houthis in Yemen.

Two and a half months ago, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addressed the world in a highly anticipated video statement, promising great success. surprise "less than two weeks before President Trump's decision of May 12 regarding the future of the United States in the joint global action plan, better known as the Iranian nuclear agreement." In his speech, Netanyahu revealed that Israel had captured a huge secret treasure. Netanyahu said that the nuclear agreement has done nothing to prevent Iran from integrating nuclear warheads on ballistic missiles, including the long-range Shahab 3, and to prevent nuclear weapons from entering the country. expand the range of its nuclear capability missiles.

19659003] "They can (already) reach Riyadh, Tel Aviv, Moscow, but they work on much longer distances," he added.

Netanyahu also showed photographic evidence of Fordo nuc This site was built on the flank of a mountain located 200 kilometers south of Tehran, and said that since the signing of the nuclear agreement with the international group P5 + 1, a reference to the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. In Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States, in addition to Germany, the site continued to operate at a faster pace.

"You do not put centrifuges under a mountain to create medical isotopes," Netanyahu said. "You do it to create nuclear weapons."

"You will not be surprised either to learn that Iran insisted on maintaining (Fordo Operational), and the nuclear agreement allowed it to do so.but came with a snag: Iran was required by the IAEA to be clear on its nuclear program.This was an explicit requirement for the implementation of a nuclear agreement. "[19659009"In2017IranmoveditsnuclearweaponsarchivestoahighlysecretiveplaceinTehran"Netanyahusaid"hesaid"ButinsideitcontainedthesecretatomicarchivesofIranlockedinmbadivesafes"

Netanyahu described the archives as having the air of a "dilapidated warehouse." He added: "It's there that they kept the atomic archives." Right here. Few Iranians knew where it was, very few, and also some Israelis.

"Israel got half a ton of equipment inside these coffers," he said. "55,000 pages, or 55,000 others out of 183 CDs."

The records, according to Netanyahu, proved that Iran had lied about the nuclear program that it had formally abandoned in 2003, called "Project Amad", that Tehran had declared itself limited to Israel. also baderted that the information collected by Israel from the Tehran facilities proved that the Iranian regime had lied about its current nuclear program and that although the Amad project was officially completed in 2003, much of the program was continued. Some details regarding intelligence gathering and the acquisition of documents from Israel were leaked shortly after Netanyahu's intervention, revealing that Israel had discovered the truth. The document storage facility in February 2016 and that the file capture mission had been undertaken. January, after Iran began to transfer top secret material to the facility.

Last week, Israel disclosed additional information regarding the operation in Shorabad district in Tehran held during just under six and a half hours, starting late on the night of January 31st.

The Iranian Nuclear Document Storage Center, which had been under close Israeli surveillance since February 2016, would be accessible for a window from approximately eight hours during the night, until the arrival of the Morning team of Iranian guards

. At 00:00, Mossad agents were informed that the guards would be on site. The Mossad ordered all Israeli agents to be clear at least two hours before the 7:00 am break, as the arriving guards would quickly find out what had happened and alert the Iranian security forces to search the surrounding area. .

After six hours and 29 minutes, the Israeli team turned off the alarm systems and other security systems before crossing two doors to reach the dozens of sealed compartments that contained program documents Iranian nuclear power.

Fearing that some of them Israeli authorities intercepted documents on several different routes

President Trump was informed of the operation by Mossad leader, Yossi Cohen, during 39, a visit to Washington in January, said an official

. The material audience was due to the time it took to badyze the documents, the vast majority of which were in Persian.

Those responsible for examining the cache of documents, graphics, plans, photos and videos retrieved by Israeli intelligence services stated that the documents they had seen were genuine and accurate. in accordance with the information accumulated by the United States for many years

"Iran has a strong and clandestine nuclear weapons program that it has tried and n & # 39; has failed to hide from the world, "said White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders in a statement. and its own people, "she added." The Iranian regime has shown that it will use destructive weapons against its neighbors and others. Iran must never have nuclear weapons.

As already reported the Jewish Voice, the British Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, joined the European counterparts to defend the 2015 nuclear weapon, following the presentation from Netanyahu in April. "The Israeli Prime Minister's exposé on Iran's past research on nuclear weapons technology underscores the importance of keeping the constraints of the Iranian nuclear deal on Tehran's nuclear ambitions." ", he added.

not based on confidence about Iran's intentions; rather it is based on stringent checks, including measures that allow inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency to access unprecedented access to the Iranian nuclear program. The fact that Iran conducted secret research in secret until 2003 shows why we need the intrusive inspections authorized today by the Iranian nuclear agreement. "

A spokeswoman for British Prime Minister Theresa May stressed:" We have never been naive about Iran and its nuclear intentions, which is why the regime of Inspection of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is one of the largest and most solid in the history of international nuclear agreements. "

By: David Rosenberg

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