Top critics have Trump Disorder Trump – says Trump | American News


Donald Trump accused critics of "Trump derangement syndrome" as the fallout from his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin showed no signs of slowing down.

The US President may regret his partial rise on his drawing of a moral equivalence between the Kremlin and US intelligence and law enforcement agencies, which triggered treason charges .

"Some people hate the fact that I got along well with Russian President Putin," Trump tweeted on Wednesday. "They prefer to go to war than to see that.This is called the Trump Derangement Syndrome!"

The phrase "Trump derangement syndrome" had just appeared in a New York Times column, which Trump is known to read carefully. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul also used it to defend the Trump summit with the Russian president.

It was one of many tweets aimed at defending his way of managing the meeting. In another, Trump wrote, "So many people at the highest levels of intelligence have enjoyed my press conference performance in Helsinki." Putin and I discussed many important topics at our previous meeting. well, which bothered many enemies who wanted to see a boxing match, great results will come! "

At the press conference in Helsinki, with Putin at his side, Trump said:" My people came to me.They said that they thought it was Russia.I have President Putin, he just said that it was not Russia.I will say this: I see no reason why this would be. "

On Tuesday, back in the White House, he accused himself of his own bad grammar:" The sentence should have been: "I do not see any nonsense. for whatever reason it would not be Russia, a kind of double negative. So you can put that in there, and I think that probably clarifies things pretty well. "

For Trump, these U-turns are rare but not unknown." Last year, he sought to blame both sides for the murderous attacks by white supremacists on the activists in Charlottesville, Virginia; then tried to retreat and then return to his original position.More recently, he signed an executive order to end the policy of separation of undocumented immigrant parents from their children on the Mexican border, but the comments later have not expressed any contrition.It remains to be seen whether his apologies to Theresa May for having him undermined in an interview with Sun will remain long.

The last turnaround came after Trump, who left Finland in a triumphant mood, become mortified and furious as John Kelly, Chief of Staff of the White House, told Trump that it would hurt him in the eyes of the special advocate Robert Muell who is investigating an alleged collusion between his election campaign and Moscow. , according to Vanity Fair. Citing three anonymous sources, his report says: "Kelly called the Republicans on Capitol Hill and gave them the green light to speak against Trump."

A pinch of Republicans – but not all – who defended Trump They walked away from the president, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan, who held televised news conferences to insinuate that Russia has interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

shows that Trump consumes religiously, stacked on the pressure. Facilitator Brian Kilmeade spoke directly to the camera and said, "It's something that needs to be corrected." The Wall Street Journal has also been exceptionally critical, describing a "national embarrbadment."

he had made a colossal political error. The New York Times reported, "Later in the morning, Mr. Trump told the aides that he realized that he needed to make a correction, according to the person who was briefed. met briefly to discuss what to say, and the speechwriter, Stephen Miller, drafted something that was rewritten several times. "

The Chair read written remarks, stating that He accepted the findings of the US intelligence community in the 2016 elections, but then blurred the spirits by apparently announcing that there might be "other people too."

At a At any given moment, the room was plunged into darkness, apparently because Kelly had accidentally operated the switch. "Oops, they just turned off the lights," said Trump, jokingly: "This had to be intelligence agencies. "

Orga overturn hastily nested was applauded by some. Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker who had criticized the press conference as "the most serious mistake of his presidency," told the Guardian on Wednesday: "It has come a long way if you read his remarks to members of Congress.Others, however, considered these remarks as too little too late, as they failed to talk about his attacks on the Justice Department or the FBI or his badertion Monday that Putin had given an "extremely strong and powerful" denial of "involvement." He reiterated once again that there was no collusion.

Senator Tim Kaine, defiant candidate – President Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential election, tweeted: "I hope that perhaps, we will soon see that the Helsinki summit was actually just an episode of Sacha Baron Cohen. "

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