Zehalka punished for calling Dichter a murderer – Israel News


  Common List MK Jamal Zahalka

Joint List MK Jamal Zahalka.
(Photo credit: REUTERS)


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Joint deputy Jamal Zehlaka will be expelled from the Knesset plenum for a full month to punish him for calling Knesset Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Avi Dichter, "the murderer of the Knesset." ; innocent. " took place on July 2 during a fierce debate in the Plenary Knesset on Taylor's law of force, in which the Knesset decided to withhold the amount of funds it pays monthly to terrorists and their families.

Dichter gave examples of killers who receive part of the 1.2 billion shekels a year that the Palestinian Authority distributes in monthly allowances that will be frozen due to the law.

Zehalka responded by accusing Dichter, who led Shin Bet's security service between 2000 and 2005, "responsible for the deaths of tens if not hundreds of people."

"Who is the terrorist here?" Zehalka asked the deputies in plenary. "Whoever listens to clbadical music, reads Kafka … and pushes a button on a plane that kills one hundred innocents."

Zehalka called other MK terrorists and murderers and suggested that their salaries be withdrawn, rather than those of Palestinians serving sentences in Israeli jails.

The Ethics Committee noted other incidents in which Zehaka made similar statements and was sanctioned by the committee. He decided to impose a relatively severe sentence on him because he is a repeat offender.

Zehalka must serve her sentence when the Knesset returns from her extended summer and vacation leave from October 14th to November 13th. will not be allowed to participate in the voting plenum.







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