The Cleveland Orchestra and George Szell complete the recordings for the Columbia Masterworks CD collection


  The Cleveland Orchestra and George Szell complete the Columbia Masterworks CD collection "At the height of George Szell's tenure," said Gramophone, "The Cleveland Orchestra had few or no peers among the major orchestras in the world. "Coinciding with the centennial anniversary of the orchestra in December 2018, Sony Clbadical is pleased to announce one of the world's major orchestras. The most ambitious reissue of recent times, a complete collection of Cleveland recordings under the direction of their fourth iconic music director. These cover the period between 1947 – a year after Szell inherited from a nascent national ensemble of Erich Leinsdorf and began to transform it into an elite set that was not the only one of its kind. he remains to this day – and 1969, a year before his sudden death shocked the musical world. Born in Budapest in 1897, Szell's dream was to create a combination of "the purity and beauty of the sound of the Americans and their virtuosity of execution with the European sense of tradition, the warmth of expression and the sense of style ". biographer Michael Charry. That he realized this dream is amply documented in the huge discography that fills the new edition of Sony's 106 CDs, "recordings that are prized for their stylistic accuracy, clarity of structure, rhythmic tension and the transparency of the texture ". 19659002] George Szell Cleveland Orchestra 's complete Columbia collection will be available from Friday, August 10th. The collection is currently available for pre-order on and by clicking on the following links:
United States: -Collection / dp / B079VD2YRP.
United Kingdom: Collection / dp / B079VD2YRP / ref = sr_1_1? S = music & ie = UTF8 & qid = 1531234316 & sr = 1-1

The Legacy of the Cleveland Orchestra
The Cleveland Orchestra played its first session of 39, registered in 1924 and is today one of the most acclaimed. and recorded orchestras around the world. The performances of the orchestra have been heard by millions of listeners through radio and television broadcasts, compact discs, CDs, DVDs and via Internet feeds and downloads. Franz Welser-Möst has added to an extensive catalog and widely praised audio recordings made during the mandates of former music directors of the ensemble. He created live-action DVD recordings of five Bruckner symphonies, presented in three distinctive acoustic venues (St. Florian's Abbey in Austria, Vienna's Musikverein and Cleveland's Severance Hall). Welser-Möst and The Cleveland Orchestra followed the Bruckner project with Brahms, creating DVD recordings of the four symphonies, the Violin Concerto with Julia Fischer, two piano concertos with Yefim Bronfman, orchestral pieces and Ein Deutsches Requiem. With The Cleveland Orchestra, Welser-Möst also released audio recordings of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony as well as an album entirely devoted to Wagner with soprano Measha Brueggergosman. In addition, over the past decade, the Orchestra has recorded important albums with Pierre Boulez and Mitsuko Uchida.

About the George Szell Cleveland Orchestra completes the collection of Columbia albums
Contained in this vast box set of rare mono recordings, some Dvo? ák "New World" from 1952, Beethoven Fifth from 1955 and orchestral excerpts from Wagner's Ring of 1956. There are also recordings that Szell made in the early 1950s as guest conductor of the Orchestra New York Philharmonic, including Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto with Vladimir Horowitz. There are outstanding chamber music recordings by pianist George Szell, including Mozart with the Budapest Quartet. There are also substantial interviews with the maestro. But the main attraction of this stunning new set is the prospect of having all of Szell-Cleveland's repertoire in a unique setting for the first time and in an optimal sound. For collectors, this means above all the great works of the clbadical and romantic Austro-German tradition, starting with Haydn: "Szell has the strings that play with an immaculate rhythm, a perfect intonation and the right dose of heat in the movements This is, in fact, an object lesson not in the correct style of "period", but in the right Haydn style … A landmark in Haydn's discography, and a cornerstone of any serious Haydn Symphonic Collection "(1965-19002). The new ensemble brings together a set of Mozart interpretations that "stand the test of time": clbadical elegance, clear textures, elegantly structured phrasing, and no more feeling than necessary characterize Szell's normative approach to this repertoire, as well as degree to which Clevelanders highly honored honored the wishes of their musical director … Szell's Jupiter is one of the biggest ever, with the clearest performance and the most exultant of the Finale on record "(ClbadicsTo Day) .This description also applies to Mozart's concertos." Szell was, famously, unparalleled as an accompanist. </ p> <p> His legendary recordings with the pianist Robert Casadesus are all here, in new DSD remasterings, as well as the clbadic performances of numbers 19 and 20 with Rudolf Serkin, "a model pianist of Mozart, not only in relation to taste and virtuoso sity of his play "., but also in his understanding of the best way to relate to his musical environment in a real exchange of chamber music with the orchestra" (ClbadicsToday).

And then Beethoven: Leon Fleisher's piano concertos "proudly retain their status as a reference. It's a vibrant and virile music that is bursting with pbadion, striking clarity and true exchanges between soloists and orchestras" ( Discographies). One of Cleveland's most distinguished successors, Christoph von Dohnanyí, has called Szell's Beethoven symphony cycle "The Bible", and critics have called it a gold standard that continues to defy time. All the symphonies of this latest reissue have been recently remodeled by DSD

Another highlight is "one of the two or three largest Schumann symphonies ensembles ever made and a cornerstone of the art of Szell as conductor ". also. No less famous are his Brahms recordings, the two symphonies – "The Cleveland Orchestra at its peak … the virtuosity … the detail … the heat and the heat .The Third is a performance magnificent "(Penguin Guide) – and piano concertos with Fleisher, which" shines with verve and dynamism, a golden age for the orchestra as for the soloist has its memorial "(Gramophone), and with Serkin "at the peak of his form, emotionally, intellectually and technically … Dynamic Shading Miracles … a revealing way of rhythm … sustained acts of transcendental investigation" (Gramophone). [19659002] Szell's remodeled Wagner collection recorded at Severance Hall in 1965 "remains one of his most impressive … The precision and beauty of the tone clad in a deeper understanding" (Penguin Guide). His famous interpretations of waltzes and openings by Johann Strauss Jr. and members his family are shown here remastered, as is his recording "miraculously detailed and impeccably formulated" complete Slavonic dances of Dvo? Ák. And, writes ClbadicsToday, "you will not find a more authoritative, more exciting than exciting, well-played collection of Dvo? Ák's last three symphonies at all costs". Szell's recording in Cleveland of Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony "is one of the great" (ClbadicsToday).

A Gramophone columnist recently said: "If I were asked to choose a Szell record to show his most inspired art, I think it would be [Mahler’s Fourth Symphony] … There are few reviews of this. a slow movement of Mahler as satisfying as that. "The mastery of Szell as a Straussian," according to Gramophone, "is demonstrated in [Don Quixote with cellist Pierre Fournier, Don Juan and the Horn Concerto No. 1] recorded in 1960 and 1961. At that time, Szell had built The Cleveland Orchestra in this which was regularly described – very aptly – as the best of all. America. "" Szell was Strauss's natural heir in terms of keen rhythm, "said BBC Music Magazine," and it's still perhaps the clearly articulated and texturally clear Don Quixote of all. .. Cleveland first horn Myron Bloom [produces] legato Among the many remarkable performances of 20th century music, we can not fail to mention William Walton's Second Symphony, which Szell had defended since the 1930s. Walton wrote a personal letter to the conductor, qualifying the recording as "fantastic" and "prodigious … formulated and balanced in an incredible way". Also included are the first Partita de Walton recordings, commissioned for the band's 40th anniversary in 1957, and its Variations on a Hindemith Theme. The Piano Concerto, winner of Samuel Barber's Pulitzer Prize, was hailed as an "American clbadic" at its premiere. The work was composed for John Browning, who recorded it with Szell and the orchestra in 1964 and played with them in huge acclaim on an international tour. Next year. It is paired here, as in its original LP version, with the first recording of A Song of Orpheus by William Schuman, composed for cellist Leonard Rose.

Define the content:

DISC 1: Dvo? Ák: Slavonic dances · Smetana: String quartet n ° 1

RECORD 2: Beethoven: Symphony No. 4 · Schumann: Symphony No. 4

DISC 3: Mozart: Symphony No. 39 · Haydn: Symphony No. 92 "Oxford"

DISC 4: Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 4 "Italian" · Hindemith · Strauss

DISC 5: Dvo? Ák: Symphony No. 9 "The New World"

DISC 6: Liszt: Piano Concerto No. 2 · Weber I Casadesus

DISC 7: Schumann: Symphony No. 2

DISC 8: Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 1 I Serkin

RECORD 9: Bach · Handel · Tartini I Szigeti · Francescatti (Columbia Symphony Orchestra)

DISC 10: Mozart: Piano Concertos No. 24 and 26 I Casadesus (Columbia Symphony Orchestra)

DISC 11: Dvo? Ák: Piano Concerto · Tchaikovsky I Firkušný · Rose (New York Philharmonic)

DISC 12: Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 · Schubert: Symphony No. 8

DISC 13: Haydn: Symphonies No. 88 and 104 "London"

DISC 14: Dvo? Ák: Slavic dances

DISC 15: Mozart: Symphonies No. 40 and 41 "Jupiter"

DISC 16: Mozart: Piano Concertos No. 10 and 12 I Casadesus (Columbia Symphony Orchestra)

DISC 17: Wagner: The great moments of the "Ring" orchestra

RECORD 18: Rachmaninoff · Frank · Delius I Fleisher

DISC 19: Mozart: Concertos for Piano No. 17 and 25 I Serkin (Columbia Symphony Orchestra)

DISC 20: Brahms: Symphony No. 1

DISC 21: Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 "Eroica"

DISC 22: Schubert: Symphony No. 9 "The Great"

DISC 23: Strauss: Up to Eulenspiegel · Don Juan · Tod and Verklärung

DISC 24: Haydn: Symphonies No. 97 and 99

DISC 25: Mozart: Piano Concertos No. 18 and 20 I Casadesus (Columbia Symphony Orchestra)

DISC 26: Tchaikovsky · Borodin · Rimsky-Korsakov · Mussorgsky

DISC 27: Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 1 I Fleisher

DISC 28: Happy Openings

DISC 29: Dvo? Ák: Symphony No. 8

DISC 30: Walton: Partita · Mahler: Symphony No. 10

DISC 31: Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 4 · Mozart I Fleisher

DISC 32: Dvo? Ák: Symphony No. 9 "The New World"

DISC 33: Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5

DISC 34: Beethoven: Symphony No. 7

DISC 35: Prokofiev: Symphony No. 5

DISC 36: Grieg? Schumann: piano concertos I Fleisher

DISC 37: Dvo? Ák: Symphony No. 7

DISC 38: Mozart: Symphonies No. 35 "Haffner", 39 & 40

DISC 39: Mozart: Concertos for piano Nos. 22 and 23 I Casadesus (Columbia Symphony Orchestra)

DISC 40-41: Schumann: Symphonies No. 1-4

DISC 42: Strauss: Don Quixote I Fournier

DISC 43: Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 1 I Fleisher

DISC 44: Beethoven: Piano Concertos No. 2 and 3 I Fleisher

DISC 45: Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 5 "Emperor" I Fleisher

DISC 46-47: Beethoven: Symphonies No. 9 "Choir" & No. 8

DISC 48: Stravinsky: The Firebird · Walton: Symphony No. 2

DISC 49: Schubert: Symphony No. 8 · Haydn: Symphony No. 92

DISC 50: Mozart: Clarinet Concerto · Strauss I Marcellus

DISC 51: Wagner: Preludes

RECORD 52: Mendelssohn · Bruch: Violin Concertos I Francescatti (Columbia Symphony Orchestra)

DISC 53: Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 "Pastoral"

DISC 54: Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2 I Fleisher

DISC 55: Mozart: Piano Concertos No. 26 and 27 I Casadesus (Columbia Symphony Orchestra)

DISC 56: Bartók? Prokofiev: Concertos for piano I Serkin (Columbia Symphony Orchestra)

DISC 57: Johann Strauss II and Josef Strauss

DISC 58: Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 4 "Italian" · Openings

DISC 59: Debussy: The Sea. Ravel: Daphnis and Chloe.

DISC 60: Beethoven: Symphony No. 4 · Leonore No. 3

DISC 61: Smetana: The Moldova · Dvo? Ák: Slavic dances

DISC 62: Mussorgsky: Pictures of an exhibition? Liadov

RECORD 63: Mozart: Symphonies n ° 28 and 33 · Divertimento n ° 2

RECORD 64: Mozart: Violin Concertos No. 1, 3 and 5 I Stern (Columbia Symphony Orchestra)

DISC 65: Mozart: Piano Concertos No. 19 and 20 I Serkin (Columbia Symphony Orchestra)

RECORD 66: Mozart: Sinfonia concertante · Exsultate, jubilate

DISC 67: Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 · Mozart: Symphony No. 41

DISC 68: Strauss: Sinfonia domestica

DISC 69: Barber: Piano Concerto · Schuman I Browning · Pink

DISC 70: Brahms: Symphony No. 3 · Haydn Variations

DISC 71: Beethoven: Symphonies No. 1 and 2

DISC 72: Mozart: Concertos for piano n ° 21 and 24 I Casadesus

DISC 73: Dvo? Ák: Slavic dances

RECORD 74: Bartók: Concerto for Orchestra · Jana? Ek: Sinfonietta

DISC 75: Mahler: Symphony No. 4 I Raskin

DISC 76: Bizet: Arlesian Suite No. 1 · Grieg: Suite Peer Gynt No. 1

DISC 77: Bruckner: Symphony No. 3

DISC 78: Wagner: Preludes

DISC 79: Prokofiev: Piano Concertos No. 1 and 3 I Graffman

DISC 80: Beethoven: Openings

DISC 81-83: Brahms: Symphonies Nos 1, 2 & 4 · Openings

DISC 84: Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2 I Serkin

DISC 85: Mendelssohn · Schubert: accompaniment music

DISC 86: Rossini: Openings

DISC 87: Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 1 I Serkin

DISC 88: Haydn: Symphonies Nos. 93 and 94 "Surprise"

DISC 89: Hindemith: Symphonic Metamorphosis · Walton

DISC 90: Mozart: Concertos for piano n ° 15 and 17 I Casadesus

RECORD 91: Mozart: Eine kleine Nachtmusik · Posthorn Serenade

DISC 92: Wagner: the great orchestral moments of the "Ring"

DISC 93: Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 1 I Graffman

DISC 94Kodaly: Suite Háry János · Prokofiev

DISC 95-96: Bruckner: Symphony No. 8

DISC 97: Haydn: Symphonies Nos. 95 and 96 "The Miracle"

DISC 98: Haydn: Symphonies n ° 97 and 98

DISC 99: Mahler: Symphony No. 6 "Tragic"

DISC 100: Smetana: The Moldau · Fields and groves of Bohemia (New York Philharmonic)

DISC 101: Wagner · Weber: Overtures (New York Philharmonic)

DISC 102: Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 "Pastoral" (New York Philharmonic)

DISC 103: Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 1 I Horowitz (New York Philharmonic)

DISC 104: Mozart: Piano Quartets No. 1 and 2 I Budapest String Quartet

DISC 105: Mozart: Violin Sonatas K 296, 301, 304 and 376 I Druian

DISC 106: Christmas melodies and interviews

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