Natalie Portman gives a vegan lesson on the life of Isaac Bashevis Singer


JTA – Natalie Portman is vegan, and she made a video about another famous Jew who did not eat animals: the Yiddish novelist Isaac Bashevis Singer.

The video is an advertisement for PETA, or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, but it also serves as a story lesson on Singer's life and recalls what she has in common as a Jews.

As Portman explains, Singer grew up in the same region of Poland as his own ancestors. Like family members, Singer "fled the horrors of the Holocaust," an immigrant from Poland to the United States in 1935.

Portman draws a parallel between the inhumanity he witnessed in Europe and Singer's vegetarianism, which according to her was born of a deep empathy for other creatures.

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"[T] the cruelties he witnessed made Singer one of the most powerful writers of the 21st century .When Singer stopped eating animals, he said," I am I did not become a vegetarian for my health, I did it for the health of chickens. "

Singer wrote exclusively in Yiddish and perpetually woven Jewish themes, his fiction. helped to gather a wider audience and a possible Nobel Prize in 1978. Portman points out that several stories of his contact on vegetarianism through a Jewish lens.

In the novel "Shosha", Singer laments that "In" The Slaughterer ", A short story, the protagonist struggles to balance his love of animals with his job as a ritual slaughterer of a community.

Portman, 37, became vegan after reading" I think it's even better. " really made people aware of the f which the world of industrial agriculture does not let us see what happens, "she said. recently. "It's so hidden, and you're not even allowed to talk about it."

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