Palestinians protest US visa denial to experts to come to UN


UNITED NATIONS (AP) – The Palestinians are protesting the US refusal to grant visas to six experts from the prime minister's office to come to the United Nations to report on Palestinian implementation of UN goals for 2030.

The Palestinian UN ambbadador, Riyad Mansour, told two reporters Wednesday that Israel "complicated the matter" by refusing to allow several of the experts to travel to Ramallah to Jerusalem where the US Consulate is located on their visas.

"We condemn This action, "Mansour said.

He said it violates the United Nations as a country of the world organization, which requires the US to facilitate UN meetings.

Mansour said

The US Mission said it was looking into the complaint. Israel 's mission did not immediately respond to an interview

Since the experts could not wait for the UN headquarters, Mansour said he and his team "were able to improvise" and presented the Palestinian report on Tuesday. He said it was a long time before the participants. "

Mansour said he was starting the presentation by" condemning the fact that they were denied visas, and the work of our delegation was obstructed in violation of the headquarters agreement. " 19659009] The high-level meeting is hearing what nearly 50 countries are doing to the UN to fight poverty, promote development and gender equality, and preserve the environment by 2030.

The General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in November 2012 to upgrade the Palestinians' status of a non-voting observe state.

Mansour said that the Palestinians are trying their best to fulfill the difference

In spite of that, he said, "we almost have 100 percent of education for our children, our illi "

Mansour said the Palestinians need more hospitals, more schools in east Jerusalem, and more housing.

" In terms of food security, we do not have people who are starving 1.2 million of the population in the Gaza Strip [ad_2]
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