Nigeria: Mohammed calls for new approaches to the realization of the 2030 program


Abimbola Akosile

United Nations Under-Secretary-General Amina Mohammed called on governments and development actors to adapt new approaches to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda.

tangible steps to reorient major investments towards the SDGs, at the opening of the 2018 High-Level Policy Forum on Sustainable Development, organized under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council, in New York, United States, on Monday

. At the opening of the ministerial segment of the 2018 High-Level Political Forum, she called for a realignment of plans and much broader action to move forward at the speed and scale required to ensure global sustainable development. three years have pbaded since world leaders adopted the 2030 Agenda (for sustainable development), a roadmap for peaceful and prosperous societies on a healthy planet.

"The HL PF is our annual opportunity to take stock of the implementation efforts in line with this roadmap, and the six goals this year are an engine for inclusive and sustainable growth. The opportunity to answer two central questions: First, are we on the right track to reach our goals by 2030. And secondly, what should we do differently over the next few years to achieve better results? results?

"On the positive side, it is already clear that we are seeing signs of progress in some areas – such as maternal and infant mortality, child marriage, expanding access to electricity, combating global unemployment and reducing the rate of forest loss worldwide, but it is also clear that in other areas we are progressing too slowly or losing ground. In South Sudan, Niger and Chad, "Mohammed noted:" For the first time in a decade, the number of undernourished people has increased – from 777 million in 2015 to 815 million in 2016 – "Poverty is becoming increasingly urban, most of the extremely poor people in the world are planning to live in urban areas by 2035. Young people remain three times more likely to be unemployed. only adults. Access to water is improving, but basic sanitation remains unsuitable.

"The rate of increase in access to energy, including renewable energy, is not fast enough to reach our goal. "We are witnessing an alarming decline in biodiversity, sea-level rise, coastal erosion, extreme weather conditions and increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases. And we know that reducing the loss of biodiversity and stopping land degradation will require more than the increase in protected areas and forest cover. "At the same time, we have not yet managed to unblock and direct the scale of resources needed to finance In fact, ODA commitments (official development badistance) of 0.7% gross national income are still not respected by many countries and the call to mobilize private financing using ODA would remain hollow if it was not respected. "

"We have 12 years to realize sustainable development goals lasting more than 455 days or over 3000 days. We are trying to make the most of our weekends, but we are not yet able to do so – this is an absolute imperative."

"The SDGs have already had a major impact on the thinking and actions of a wide range of policyholders around the world. Governments have adapted plans and policies to the 2030 Agenda.

"New multi-stakeholder initiatives have emerged New institutions have been created Cities, local and regional authorities and some private sector actors – actors with an immense influence on the people "Everyday life increasingly appropriates the objectives," she added.

"But to go ahead, at the speed and scale required, we need much more in – depth actions. an ambitious reform of the UN development system, so that the UN can offer governments the right answer and new tools to effectively implement the 2030 Agenda.

"This repositioning of the UN development system United Nations and our partners, this will also strengthen our collective responsibility to be transparent and accountable for the results in everyone's lives.We will work with our partners to see such a deep integration of SDG actions through the ecosystem of SDG actors – at the local, national, regional and global levels. "

For Mohammed," We need to avoid a mild SDG approach, one that only makes a big blow to the Call for the transformation of the 2030 Agenda. This means realigning our plans, budgets, laws, business processes and personal decisions with the acce Central to the 2030 Agenda on Inclusion and Sustainability. "19659019" "This means recognizing that while 109 countries have national policies on sustainable consumption and production," More investment in crisis prevention and support for the world's most vulnerable countries is needed to strengthen their resilience and move on to the next phase. of development. And that means expanding strategic partnerships with civil society, the private sector, academia and youth. To truly embrace and achieve the SDGs, we must put the advancement of gender equality at the forefront of everything we do.

"We must revolutionize our methods of acquiring reliable, timely, open and disaggregated data to inform our actions, and finally, we must begin to place our money where our word is – take concrete steps to redirect significant investments to the SDGs.

"In just over a year, heads of state and government come together for the first major HLPF under the General Assembly. Let's take the time to deepen and adapt new approaches and tools to implement the SDGs, "said Mohammed.

She urged HLPF stakeholders to "build on the lessons learned from this year's National Voluntary Review. to take the necessary steps in the coming year to demonstrate that the 2030 Agenda has generated a real positive momentum for change in people 's lives and the health of our planet.

"Let's urgently work in unity towards the world we must see in 2030 when all our 17 promises to people will achieve peace and prosperity for all," Mohammed said.
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