This rescue robot can explore difficult terrain and narrow crevices


A new search and rescue robot developed by researchers at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev, in southern Israel, can climb great obstacles, move over rugged terrain and fold to maneuver tight spaces. He can even climb in narrow pbadages.

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Named RAT (Rising Sprawl-Tuned Autonomous Robot or R STAR) Autonomous Robot Autonomous, the highly maneuverable robot has adjustable wheel lugs attached to a body that can move independently and reposition itself on flat surfaces and restricted spaces such as tunnels, pipes, and narrow gaps. The tiny 15 cm long robot can travel more than 3 feet per second on hard surfaces and adapt to moving on soft or grainy surfaces such as thick mud or sand.

The robot was unveiled in May at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation in Brisbane, Australia.

The robot was designed by David Zarrouk, a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the BGU and head of the bio-inspired and medical robotics laboratory, along with student Liran Yehezkel. "The R STAR is ideal for search and rescue operations in unstructured environments, such as collapsed buildings or flooded areas, where it must adapt and overcome various obstacles to achieve its goal," said Mr. Zarrouk.

BGU said the team is now working to develop a larger version capable of overcoming larger obstacles and carrying more than four pounds of sensors and supplies. The smallest robot will be grafted on the biggest robot and will be deployed in difficult areas.

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