Israeli President to Hungarian Prime Minister: Neo-fascism is a threat to the world – Israel News


Neo-fascism threatens the world, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin told Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Thursday in Jerusalem.

Orban noted in his meeting with Rivlin that Hungary is home to one of the largest Jewish communities in Europe, adding that the government seeks to protect all its citizens, regardless of religion or religion. 39; origin. "Jews are protected by the government," he said. "There is no tolerance for anti-Semitism."

Earlier, Orban and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised the ties between Hungary and Israel ahead of a meeting.
Speaking before the meeting, Orban told Netanyahu that he believed that "the excellent ties between Israel and Hungary" are largely the result of personal ties between leaders – and that he thinks "this because that both countries have a patriotic leader. "

The Hungarian leader also claimed that "modern anti-Semitism" is on the rise in Western Europe while decreasing in Eastern Europe, adding that Hungary has no tolerance for statements Semitic.

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Netanyahu told him that both understood the threat that radical Islam poses to Europe, Israel and the Arab countries. "Iran is the biggest threat and we are the first line of defense in Europe," Netanyahu said. The Prime Minister also thanked Orban for the support of Hungary to Israel on the international scene.

On Thursday, Orban must visit the Yad Vashem Holocaust Remembrance Center, then plant a tree in the Bosque des Nations, located in the Jerusalem Forest. In the evening, he dines with Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, at the official residence of the Prime Minister, while his entourage eats with Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz.

On Friday morning, Orbán will visit the Western Wall and return to Hungary. He has not planned to meet senior officials of the Palestinian Authority.

>> Orban arrives in Israel to meet his soul mate Netanyahu. Here is how it destroys Hungarian democracy ■ Analysis: Orban blamed all Hungary's problems on a Jew – and won, big time

Nationalist lightning conductor

Orban, recently re-elected for a third consecutive term, is considered a nationalist lightning rod of the European Union. He pursued a policy of restricting democracy in his own country. Since his re-election in 2010, after being prime minister from 1998 to 2002, he has led a legislative offensive to impose restrictions on civil society, the media and the judiciary. He garramed the electoral districts in a move that helped keep him in power.

As part of its fight against human rights organizations in Hungary, Orban introduced a law nicknamed "Stop Soros", to criminalize the efforts of these groups to help asylum seekers. George Soros, a Jewish billionaire born in Hungary, supports many liberal organizations in the country. After Orban's reelection in April, Netanyahu called to congratulate him on his victory. The right-wing Fidesz party in Orbán won a decisive victory, winning two-thirds of the seats in parliament. As a result, Orban now has a majority that would allow him to amend the constitution.
Under Netanyahu's leadership, Israel has moved closer to the countries of Central Europe, such as the Visegrad Group – Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia – an alliance that Israel is partly aiming to weaken. the consensus of the European Union on Palestinian and Iranian issues. In addition to improving their ties with Israel, the Visegrad countries are increasingly at odds with Western Europe, primarily with Germany, on the mbadive migratory wave of 2015 and the Global terrorism, which challenge the shared liberal values ​​the EU is based on. Under Orbán, Hungary was the spearhead of this battle.

The opposition slams his visit

Opposition members of the Knesset, meanwhile, condemned this visit, and Hungarian Holocaust survivors should demonstrate during Orbán 's visit to the United Nations' s Memorial. Holocaust of Yad Vashem Thursday.

"After looting the memory of the Holocaust victims in agreement with Poland, today Netanyahu will honor Hungarian Prime Minister Orban, who hailed the anti-Semitic Nazi collaborator in the ### 39, annihilation of the Jews of Hungary, "Yesh Atid President MK Yair Lapid tweeted on Wednesday.

Meretz President MK Tamar Zandberg wrote to Orban in Hungarian on his Twitter account: "Those who hire collaborators of the Nazis, who persecute human rights groups, and who do not. opposition in their country are not welcome here.

MP Ksenia Svetlova (Zionist Union) said: "Netanyahu, who uses the term" Auschwitz borders "to instill fear in the hearts of the Jewish people," now rehabilitates "the dark history in countries where leaders and people collaborated with the Nazis and murdered Jews ".

Apparently for Netanyahu, the ends justify the means, "added Svetlova, adding that" the ends are clear: to prejudice the closer ties of the European Union with the countries of Europe of the 39 who are defining themselves as intolerant democracies ".

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