The Knesset votes in favor of a "historic" reform of the electricity sector


The Knesset approved Wednesday night in its latest readings a reform of the electricity sector of 7.1 billion shekels ($ 2 billion), termed "historical", aimed at increasing competition and transform the main efficient enterprise.

The reform was pbaded 42-4.

At the end of the reform process, estimated to take place over a period of 10 years, the Israeli company Electric Corp will manufacture only 30% of the country 's electricity, compared to 70% today. Most of the production will be outsourced to private producers, the Knesset said in a statement.

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The reform will also reduce the company's workforce by about 25% over the next eight years, with 1,800 workers taking early retirement in addition to the 1,000 who have already left in the last two years announced the Ministry of Finance. A thousand more workers will be laid off or retired, the statement said. Others will badume different roles within the new state corporations that will be created as part of the reform. At the end of the process, some 2,200 workers will have left the public service, IEC staff with 6,400 employees, said the ministry

"This is the most spectacular reform of the last decades, at all The Chairman of the Economic Committee, Eitan Cabel, said in a statement that the reform – 22 years in progress – was "historic."

As part of the reform, Over the next five years , the CIS will sell several gas-fired power plants in Eshkol, Reading, Alon Tavor, Ramat Hovav and the eastern part of the Hagit site to third parties in order to increase competition in the electricity supply. will also build two new combined-cycle wind turbines running on natural gas.

"Great reform of Israel is under way," said Avi Nissenkorn, head of the Histadrut Union in a statement. pr shields the financial strength of the company while safeguarding workers' rights.

The CEI will evacuate 16 properties located in high-demand areas, which may be reserved for housing, commerce and parks, according to the Knesset's statement and the reform will include incentives for the public service to evacuate more than 100 additional properties.

The energy minister will provide a progress report on progress every year on January 31, the Knesset statement said. in manufacturing, as he was delayed by union demands on the fate of employees. It aims to break the virtual monopoly of the electricity company over the production and supply of electricity. An agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the workers in December 2017 paved the way for its approval.

"The reform will ensure competition, significantly increase investment in the electricity grid to ensure the reliability of supply and address the issue of verticality. the CIS monopoly, "said Shai Babad, director general of the Ministry of Finance. The IRC will become much more efficient and have a "significantly lower debt," he said.

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