Progressive Jews behead the new law of the nation-state as a danger to Israel's future & # 39; – Israel News


Progressive Jewish groups vehemently condemned the new law of the nation-state of Israel, claiming that it threatened the future of Israel as a nation. democratic state.

A group of 14 American Jewish organizations expressed deep concern about the bill to the new Jewish Agency president, Isaac Herzog, who is still head of the opposition to the Knesset . The organizations said the bill would eliminate "the defining characteristic of a modern democracy" – the protection of rights for all.

The statute, which has constitutional status, officially defines Israel as the national homeland of the Jewish people and states that "the realization of the right to national self-determination in Israel is unique to the Jewish people". He pbaded with 62 deputies voting for and 55 against, with two stubbornness.

Jeremy Ben-Ami of J Street severely criticized the law, saying that the legislation carried out by Netanyahu's government "was born in sin".

>> "Racist and Discriminatory": US Jewish Leaders Warn Israel Against the Pbadage of the Nation-State Bill ■ Analysis: The State Bill announces the end of Israel as a democratic Jewish state

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"His sole purpose is to send a message to the Arab community, the LGBT community and other minorities in Israel, that they are not and will never be equal citizens," he said. Ben-Ami. "Two months ago, we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Israeli Declaration of Independence, where it was written that the State of Israel will guarantee the full equality of social and political rights in Israel. all its inhabitants regardless of religion, race or bad. " Today, the Netanyahu government is trying to ignore these words and the values ​​that they represent. "

The nation-state law also includes clauses stating that a "unified Jerusalem" is the capital of Israel and that Hebrew is the official language of the country. Another states that "the state views the development of Jewish settlement as a national value and will act to encourage and promote its establishment and consolidation.

"This is tribalism at its worst," said the New Israel Fund in a statement. "From the Declaration of Independence of Israel, the Jewish value of human dignity and the principle of equality of all formed the democratic foundation of the state, which betrayed these values."

"It's a slap for Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel," the statement said. "Legislation that identifies first-clbad and second-clbad citizens does not have its place in a democracy This law is a danger to the future of Israel."

Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism, also said: "This is a sad and useless day for Israeli democracy: the damage that this new law of 39; State-nation will cause the legitimacy of Israeli democracy. the Zionist vision and the values ​​of the state of Israel as a democratic and Jewish nation are enormous. "

  Law of the nation-state of Israel

The law was pbaded after a long and stormy debate that began yesterday afternoon, with legislators voting on hundreds of opposition clauses opposing various parts of the bill. .

One of these clauses originally said: "The state will work to preserve the special bond between [Israel] and the Jewish people everywhere." Following pressure from the ultra-Orthodox parties last week, this wording was changed as follows: The state will work in the diaspora to preserve the special connection between [Israel] and the Jewish people. "

The government's agreement to change the clause by deleting "everywhere" and specifying "diaspora" is seen as an effort to ensure that the bill can not be interpreted as guaranteeing pluralism Jewish religious in Israel. This could potentially affect the decisions of the High Court of Justice on the burning issues of Israel-Diaspora such as conversion, marriage and prayer arrangements at the Wailing Wall.

"The language is condescending and clearly shows that Israel is responsible for the unity of the Jewish people in the diaspora only," said Jerry Silverman, president and CEO of the Jewish Federations. North America, before the vote. "We are disappointed that the change [by the ultra-Orthodox parties] was accepted and made the final bill.

"We think this way not only because it will have a negative effect on the Jewish community in the diaspora, but because it will have a negative effect on Israel," said Silverman.

The European Union for its part stated that she was concerned about the law. "We are worried, we have expressed this concern and we will continue to dialogue with the Israeli authorities in this context," said a spokeswoman for EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini, during a press conference. a point of press. "We have been very clear with regard to the two-state solution, we believe that it is the only solution and any measure that would complicate or prevent this solution from becoming a reality should be avoided," she said. .

Reuters contributed to this report.

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