EU expresses concern over Israeli law on Jewish nationality


The European Union said on Thursday that it was concerned about the new law on Israeli nationality, which states that only Jews have the right to self-determination, and stated that it would complicate a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Knesset pbaded the law on nationality earlier
Thursday after months of political argument. He was sharply criticized by the country's Arab minority, who described it as racist and on the verge of apartheid.

"We are concerned, we have expressed this concern and we will continue to dialogue with the Israeli authorities in this context," said Federica Mogherini, spokesman for the EU Foreign Ministry, during the meeting. 39, a point of press.

  Federica Mogherini, Head of EU Foreign Policy (Photo: EPA)

Federica Mogherini, Head of EU Foreign Policy (Photo: EPA)

"We have been very clear. We believe that this is the only solution and that any measure that could further complicate or prevent this solution from becoming a reality should be avoided," she said. 19659008] Turkey also spoke out against the legislation, denouncing it as racist and accusing Israel of trying to form an "apartheid state."

A spokesman for President Tayyip Erdogan called on the international community "to react to the unfairness that is happening in front of the eyes of the whole world. "

Turkey and Israel have long disagreed over Israel's policy toward Palestinians and the status of Jerusalem." Erdogan has called for a summit of Muslim leaders twice in the last six months after the US President Donald Trump has decided to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Turkish President Erdogan “/>

Turkish President Erdogan (Photo: Reuters)

Condemning the law, the Presidential speech Ibrahim Kalin criticized what he called "this racist movement that equals"

In a series of tweets, Kalin also reiterated Ankara's long-standing objections to the construction of settlements Jews on what he termed "occupied" territory. "We reject the efforts of the Israeli government to form an apartheid state," he said.

The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs also criticized the law. "Identifying the right to self-determination as a right given only to Jews is the result of an outdated and discriminatory mentality," he said in a statement.

This law "tramples on the principles of universal law and does not take into account the rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel," added the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The largely symbolic law states that Israel is the historical homeland of the Jewish people and that they have an exclusive right to national self-determination.

 Arab MPs protest against the Knesset nationality law (Photo: Amit Shabi)

Arab MPs protest Knesset nationality law (Photo: Amit Shabi)

It also removes Arabic from its designation as an official language alongside Hebrew. special status "which allows its continued use in Israeli institutions.

Israeli Arabs are about 1.8 million, or about 20% of the 9 million inhabitants.

The two-state solution envisaged in a framework of international peace, in which Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank would gain their own state, already seems to be a dark prospect.

Peace talks have been stalled for several years and Israeli settlements on disputed lands have spread, despite the condemnation of the EU and other bodies.

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