News Wrap: Kim Jong Un must keep his nuclear promises, according to Pompeo


Judy Woodruff:

A severe storm warning had been issued for Branson about 40 minutes before the boat was descent

Repair crews were in central Iowa today. after the tornadoes yesterday and 17 wounded. Forecasters say that at least five turns swept three cities, Bondurant, Marshalltown and Pella. The video on social media captured the storms that flattened the buildings. Nearly 6,000 customers lost their electricity and a hospital was evacuated.

Meanwhile, much of the South is roasting in a three-digit heat that could last until next week

North Carolina. They announced the choice today. Las Vegas was the other finalist. Charlotte's divided city council approved the idea this week by just one vote.

The president now says that he wants to go the limit in a trade war with China. He told CNBC that he would impose tariffs on everything that Beijing would sell to the United States unless China's trade policies change. That's more than $ 500 billion worth of goods. The president acknowledged that this could damage the stock market. But he said, if that's the case, that's the case.

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