Stop the planned defection of the APC now, the loyalists say to Buhari – Politics – The Guardian Nigeria Newspaper – Nigeria and World News



A parliamentary support group working to promote President Muhammadu Buhari for the 2019 elections asked the president to put an end to the plan announced by members of the National Assembly to withdraw from Congress All Progressive (APC).

The group said that President Buhari's intervention would prevent a repeat of what happened to the People's Democratic Party (PDP) before the 2015 elections.

The group on Thursday night has expressed concern that post-convention fights and the convention where some members were supposed to be excluded from the exercise had yet to be resolved, a development that members termed a danger to the APC.

Legislators have also urged President Buhari to recognize the constituency projects they described as unifying. factor, adding that he had helped bring the federal government presence into remote communities.

But the Secretary of Government of the Federation, SGF, Boss Mustapha, said that the Presidency was engaging with members of the National Assembly, stressing that after the interaction, there would be synergy and a final consensus for final resolutions.

Speaking when they visited the president Thursday night at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, the group talked about how the APC should approach the upcoming 2019 general election as a united family, to avoid the difficult situation of the then ruling PDP that led to his defeat in 2015.

Musa Sarkin Adar, group president and member of the House of Representatives, said: "We have examined the concerns of the country and the different political parties because the elections are approaching and that the members of the APC in the National Assembly have deemed it necessary to come to meet with the President and the National Party President to address the issues and concerns raised by the members of the federation.

"In every state of the federation, there are some concerns and concerns when congresses take place At the local level, there were so many differences and problems that arose and people made a lot of complaints and n & # 39;

As a result of this, some people thought that they would leave the party and join another party.

"Others, even before that, decided that They would go elsewhere and we think it is necessary to inform the president that we are committed to remaining party members, but the issues must be examined and handled properly so that all aggrieved members can be persuaded to stay together to ensure the victory of our party in the general election of 2019 "

" It is also to encourage relations between the executive and the National Assembly to be cordial.

We know who caused all these frictions and try as much as possible to ensure that such things do not happen again for the good of this country.

"We should not be partisan in everything we do, especially" From the experience of the previous Assembly, to which we were to be members at the time, we know what it's past and we know what it caused to the country.

So, it's now a clarion call for us to rally behind the President and the need for us to be also heard so that the development issues of this country can be addressed. "

On the response of President Buhari, Adar said:" Very good and very fantastic.

We explained to him the idea of Zonal intervention or what is called constituency projects, that this is not the money given to us, but projects that are worth millions of naira. One of the most unifying factors of this country.

"Because it is one of the means by which you We can have a considered government performance in some areas.

For example, if you go to rural areas where there are no basic amenities such as water wells, primary schools or primary health care, before you go to them. entrust some projects, it will be difficult. who are badigned to us based on where you come from and you select 1, 2, 3, 4 or whatever the money allocated to the project is given, then that is what your people are going to benefit and as such, it is fair "

Also speaking, the SGF, Boss Mustapha, said," Well, it's a very encouraging interface between the legislature and the executive branch.

Let's not forget that the National Assembly has had an open house week, all through this week, it's the continuation of this commitment and I believe that after this kind interaction with different branches of government, we can create synergy, build consensus on problems and find solutions.

"Politics is a game of negotiations, it is a game of dialogue and understanding, and it is for the good of our country.

We are the party in government, the legislature is part of the government, if the executive power does not succeed, it will also detract from the legislature.

So, it's just a continuation of this dialogue that can allow us to distribute the dividends of democracy to our people "

Also, Abdulmumini Jibrin stated that the group was at the Presidential Villa to show its solidarity to the people. President and encourage him to continue the good work he was doing for the country as well as to discuss some issues concerning the APC.

On rumors that there could be a mbadive defection of members of the National Assembly and that the APC could Jibrin said that this was part of the challenges badociated with most ruling parties.

Meanwhile, President Buhari said yesterday that his decision to declare early for the 2019 presidential election was to extinguish speculation and make the decision. The Progressives Congress (PCA) had enough time to prepare for the elections.

President Buhari, who received members of the Buhari Support Group Center (BSGC) at State House, said that he noticed Hat speculation already constituted a distraction to governance and fueled tensions, so he had to declare at the meeting of the National Executive Committee of the party.

"I had to announce to the National Executive Committee of our party my intention to seek the nomination of the party for the election of next year so that we can gain a lot of time and composure.

trying to make a habit of being a nuisance to themselves and a lot of Nigerians, so when I went out, I said that those who were serious were letting them out. "And I've tried to make sure that the party is organized and consolidated as we start from the bottom up, and that Nigerians will be involved so that each constituency will choose those who will represent them at different levels." levels, be it as presidents of local governments, at the state badembly, in the House of Representatives, the Senate and finally the president, "he said.

According to the President, a swift declaration ensured more participation and inclusiveness within the party, and further strengthened the connection with supporters and Nigerians.

People who are thought to be uneducated and unsophisticated are highly educated and sophisticated during elections; "For those who have money to give, they say we will do what we want to do," he added.

President Buhari noted that Divine intervention of God and the use of technology during the elections of previous processes where a small number of privileged people sat and allocated numbers to constituencies during the elections .

"They just look at a riding and they give the numbers, and then they say that whoever disagrees should go to court; Now, for someone who is looking for the next meal, where does he get money to pay for Nigeria 's lawyers?

"Thank God for the technology, with the PVC, you know where you registered and you can find out if you voted or not," said the president.

He advised Nigerians to go to the polls. to obtain their electoral map for the 2019 elections, and to ensure that they vote to please their conscience with pride as citizens.

The President congratulated the BSGC for all the sacrifices. his remarks, the coordinator of the BSGC, Umaru Dembo, said: "Through wind and tide, rain or sun, hot or cold, we are here to badure Mr. President that since 2014 we have been working, developed and helped to explain the new life that your government inaugurated for the good people of Nigeria. "

He said that the BSGC initiated the documentation of the President's achievements in a book written by Dr. Sani Muktar Bichi and Dr. Dembo badured the president of a proc The upsurge of mobilizing more supporters for the administration, while appreciating it to reverse the trend of impunity, corruption and anarchy that prevailed before 2015.

Dembo said that the GSO was an umbrella organization encompbading "Women for Buhari and Osinbajo", "At Kasaa Tsare", "Northern Youth Assembly", "Buhari Renewal Mandate" and others to support good governance in the country. Nigeria.

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