American Jewish groups express their "indignation" about the police investigation of Rabbi Masorti in Israel | Jns


American Jewish groups expressed their indignation after learning that the Israeli police detained and interrogated a conservative rabbi for celebrating a wedding in the Jewish state.

Officers in Haifa arrived at the Conservative (Mbadorti) Rabbi Dov Haiyun at 5:30 pm on Thursday and took him for interrogation to the local police station to perform a wedding, which is the sole authority of the Chief Rabbinate in Israel.

The rabbi celebrated marriages for many years for couples wishing to marry under the auspices of the Masorti movement. He runs the Mbadorti Moriah Synagogue in Haifa.

However, in 2015, a new law criminalizes those who celebrate a wedding ceremony without registering with the chief rabbinate, punishable by two years in prison. [19659002LeprocureurgénéralAvichaiMandelblitademandéàlapolicedemettrefinàl'enquêtejeudiIlsemblequec'étaitlapremièrefoisquelapoliceagissaitconformémentàlaloirelativementrécente[19659005]. US Jewish groups spoke on Thursday, calling the actions "outrageous."

"Today's actions against Rabbi Haiyun" This is a dangerous step in the ongoing attack on religious freedom and civil liberties in Israel, "possibly read in a statement from the Unified Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, which expressed its "indignation"

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