Iraq and its imminent destiny


Israel has kept the Iranian militias and the Lebanese Hezbollah from the northern borders of Jordan in Daraa and thwarted their efforts to threaten Jordan's national security after putting conditions on the Syrian regime to allow it to go ahead. moving forward. The Israeli agreement with the Assad regime under Russian patronage thus served the interests of Jordan.

Upon the end of the Jordan crisis and the return of Syrian refugees to Daraa, protests erupted in southern Iraq demanding basic services such as drinking water and water. electricity from the fact that Iran has cut electricity in the south and decreased its share of electricity.

Protests in Iraq

In principle, the demands of protesters in southern Iraq have spread on legitimate grounds. People set up their tents in a hot climate with temperatures approaching 50 ° C after losing patience because of the negligence of an official in the region that produces most of Iraq's revenues.

Muthanna, Najaf and Karbala are what all Iraqi provinces complain about: rampant corruption in most government institutions and most political clbades. This has had an impact on the livelihoods of citizens who suffer from unemployment and lack of services and the spread of financial crimes such as corruption and extortion.

The Iraqi government can control the demonstrations, which are raging for the second week in a row. Government delegation to meet with tribal elders to control angry youth and launch an official survey of officials of service agencies such as water and electricity.

It could also implement measures such as the allocation of $ 3 billion development projects in Basra.

Political Void

But to rebadure people that these demands will be met, it is necessary to accelerate the formation of the coalition government and that the parliament begins to meet because this void is the only one. one of the main reasons for this

Contemplating a country as big as Iraq, with its rich natural and human resources, one wonders how since 2003 (date of the fall of the regime of Saddam Hussein) the country Could not get up and became a bad governance model. The Iraqi model shows the negative consequences when opportunistic foreign parties interfere in the affairs of a country and when there is also internal collusion.

The majority of citizens in the areas where the protests are taking place today are Shiites against the Iranian presence in their country.

Amal Abdulaziz Al-Hazani

Although the Arab region suffers economic and political damage after the 2011 revolutions and later, most of the countries that attended popular protests are trying to bounce back. [19659002Encequiconcernelespaysquisouffrentdel'ingérenceiranienneilssontencoredansunesituationdésastreuseavantetaprèslesrévolutionsetcesont:l'IrakleLibanlaSyrieetleYémenChaquefoisquel'Irans'infiltredansunpayscelui-ciestenproieàlacorruptionadministrativeetpolitiqueetdevientunincubateurduterrorismeL'Irakrestelepaysleplusaccessiblepourl'Iranpourfomenterdescrisescommeill'afaitàMossoulilyaquatreansetapermisàl'EIDEL'occuperpréoccupantdepuislorslegouvernementcentraletlespaysdelaguerrecontrel'EIAujourd'huiilfomentedesproblèmesdanslesudpoursemerlechaosfairesortirlacriseetmenacerlespaysvoisins

Iran Facing Crises

Iran is expected to go through tough days in November, US President Donald Trump The Iranian oil trade, finding alternatives to Iranian oil to ensure the availability of energy supply around this period. Iran is in this cycle of trouble since President Trump announced his withdrawal from the nuclear deal, and he expects an economic crisis that will heighten the intensity of popular anger , which lasts since December.

Iran is trying to show its achievements and power in the region, imposing itself as a regional power that is not easily besieged because of US sanctions. Iran reminds the Trump administration that it has the upper hand in Iraq – many believe that what is happening here is the result of the American invasion – not just by the presence of the guards Iranian revolutionaries but also by Iranian-affiliated Iraqi militias such as Popular Mobilization Forces, Iraqi Hezbollah, Asa'Ahl al-Haq and others as well as political parties of which Iran is the reference .

Iran can throw the Iraqi map against Washington and ignite the south of Iraq with war and chaos. Iran can also place whoever it wants among the protesters, and it can threaten the oil fields and refineries as well as the borders of Iraq with neighboring countries.

Nevertheless, the government that is soon to be formed, as well as the House of Representatives chosen by the people, has the moral and national responsibility to consolidate overall development in all governorates and to expose the corrupt. We can not give in to the Iranian influence to lighten the government and the parliament. Iraq is a big country and the majority of citizens in areas where demonstrations are taking place today are Shiites who oppose the Iranian presence in their country and these people have an influence, voices and demands.

The government did not have to wait for people to go down the street in such hot heat to offer the $ 3 billion so that other provinces will not follow suit. If the Iraqis want to revive their country after these decades of crises, they must resist sectarian practices, corrupt politicians and Iranian agents, because they are the ones who disrupt the supply of electricity and water and lead to unemployment. and bad infrastructure.

This article is also available in Arabic


Amal Abdulaziz Al-Hazani is a professor at the University of King Saudi and writer for -Sharq al-Awsat. She tweets @Alhazzani_Amal .


Last updated: Saturday, 21 July 2018 KSA 18:17 – GMT 15:17

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