An unbalanced Jordanian chronicler: Israel provokes earthquakes to overthrow Al Aqsa Mosque


TEL AVIV – Israel is responsible for the recent wave of minor earthquakes in the region, according to an article in a Jordanian newspaper this week, saying low-magnitude tremors were a result of the country's underground nuclear weapons. 39, Hebrew State. attempts or attempt to overthrow the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

The earthquakes could have been "caused by experimental explosions conducted by the Israeli army at some depth under the Kinneret" said columnist Kamal Zakarneh. an article for the Jordanian daily Al-Dustour which was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

Zakarneh continued that the army was operating underground "to test new weapons such as smaller nuclear bombs that have limited influence, or a conventional weapon created to be used against regional armies, that Occupying state considers … constitute a new type of threat. "[19659004] Nuclear tests cause a very different tremor from natural earthquakes and seismologists are able to discern immediately between the two.

The other alternative, says Zakarneh, is that Israel is preparing "a major criminal action against the sites of occupied Jerusalem." who are holy for Islam and Christianity ", in particular, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

Israel has put all its technology into a "pre-planned earthquake to destroy them in anticipation of the creation of a sacred temple in the attempt to Judaize Jerusalem," he said.

"We can not trust the Israeli occupation, since it acts, plans and conspires, and at the end of the day – destroyed – "Zakarneh wrote:" He does not hesitate to use technology , knowledge and science in his hands to complete his planned expansion while blaming nature and natural causes. Nor is he ashamed to ask the help of other countries in the region and the world to cover his crimes and to carry out his judaization plans at their expense, "he said.

Proof of Zakarneh's claim Israel did not respond to the earthquakes.Israel "did nothing and took no preparatory action or action". warning of any kind whatsoever to deal with the great earthquake that his own geological experts claimed to occur after small earthquakes. "

earthquakes are indicative of a looming imminent in any case the claim that Israel ignored them is patently false, there has been a lot of debate surrounding the earthquakes, the Ministry of Defense calling for emergency sessions to deal with them and the Prime Minister announcing that Israel is preparing multi-year plans on how to prevent the damage caused by shaking.

Maan also published an article implicating that Israel has caused the earthquakes in an attempt to collapse the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Entitled "Earthquake or plot to destroy Al-Aqsa?", The article began with the sentence: "Many people stopped me in the street and asked me," A tremor is the devastating earth on its way or is it a Zionist conspiracy? -Aqsa? "

The article continues by lamenting the fact that Arabs do not have their own geological institutes to receive information about earthquakes and are forced to rely on information from Israel.

An Iranian general accused Israel of stealing Iran's clouds while handling clouds in Iranian airspace, preventing thus the rain spread, which caused the country to suffer from drought

to ensure that the clouds entering the Iranian sky are unable to release the rain, "he said. the Iranian press Brigadier General Gholam Reza Jalali, head of the Iranian Organization of Civil Defense

. in Washington D.C. suggested that the wealthy Jews who control the weather caused an unexpected snowstorm.

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