Jordan protests Israeli "violations" in Al-Aqsa


In a statement, government spokeswoman Jumana Ghunaimat said that the Jordanian embbady in Tel Aviv had been raped by hundreds of Jewish settlers. has filed an official diplomatic protest against the Israeli Foreign Ministry regarding Israeli violations in Al-Aqsa.

"These practices condemned and rejected … violate the sanctity of this holy place and provoke the feelings of the faithful and Muslims of the whole world" she said in the statement quoted by the official Petra news agency .

Ghunaimat stated that Israeli practices in Al-Aqsa "violated Israel's obligations as an occupying force under international law", calling Tel Aviv "Stop the practice immediately."

Earlier On Sunday, more than 1,000 Israeli settlers fought their way into the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound under Israel's protection.At Anadolu, Firas al-Dibis, a leader of the Jordanian Authority for the Management of Religious Property in Jerusalem, stated that the Israeli police stormed the camp in front of the settlers and carried out searches and excavations

after the Knesset (Israeli parliament ) adopted a controversial law that recognizes Israel as "the nation-state of the Jewish people."

For Muslims, Al-Aqsa is the third holiest site in the world. refer to the region as the "Mount of the Temp the ", claiming that it was the site of two Jewish temples in ancient times.

Israel occupied East Jerusalem during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. It annexed the entire city in 1980, claiming it as the capital of the Jewish state – a movement never recognized by the international community.

  More than 1,000 Jewish settlers converge on the Al-Aqsa complex
More than 1,000 Jewish settlers converge The Al-Aqsa Complex

More than 1,000 Israeli settlers entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Sunday. Aqsa from East Jerusalem, according to a Palestinian official. Appealing to the Anadolu agency, Firas al-Dibis, a leader of the Jordanian Jerusalem Organization According to Israeli authorities, Israeli forces refused to allow the Israeli army to use the equipment. access to Najeh Bakirat, an academic of the Endowment Authority, and allowed Muslim worshipers inside the mosque after doing excavations and searches. On Thursday, the Knesset (Israel's parliament) pbaded a controversial law that recognizes Israel as "the nation-state of the Jewish people." For Muslims, Al-Aqsa is the third most sacred site in the world. The Jews, for their part, refer to the area as the "Temple Mount", claiming that it was the site of two Jewish temples in ancient times. Israel occupied East Jerusalem during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. It annexed the entire city in 1980, claiming it as the capital of the Jewish state – a movement never recognized by the international community.

  Israeli Druze to Challenge the Law of the Jewish State
Israeli Druze to Challenge the Jew The Israeli Druze deputies of the Knesset (Israeli parliament) announced that they would file an appeal against a recent law recognizing Israel as "the nation-state of the Jewish people". Approved by the Knesset on Thursday, legislation also states that a "unified Jerusalem" is the capital of Israel and that Hebrew is the official language of the country, stripping the Arab of its designation previous as an official language while recognizing its "special status". According to the daily Maariv Sunday, three deputies have "I have no problem with the Jews and the fact that Israel is the state of the Jews," said MK Akram Hbadon of the Kulanu Party in Maariv . ng: "What about the Druze, who sacrificed and fought for the love of Israel, of whom 240 were killed and more than 1,200 wounded during their service in the army? ? " The Druze community has been living in northern Israel since 1948 and serving the Israeli army and view themselves as Israelis above all else. Druze from the Syrian Golan Heights, occupied by Israel in 1967, remain linked to their Arab identity. Israel's Jewish nation-state law undermines peace in the Middle East: Egyptian law on the Jewish state provokes outrage among Jews

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