Netanyahu: Trump and Trudeau asked Israel to help remove the white helmets from Syria – Israel News


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that US President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau were two of the world leaders who called on Israel to rescue hundreds of members of the White Helmets humanitarian organization. their families from Syria

Israel evacuated Saturday 800 people from the Syrian humanitarian organization, allowing them to cross the Israeli-Syrian border and then transport them to Jordan. The operation was confirmed by both the Israeli army and the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

>> Israel evacuates 800 members of the White Helmets relief organization in Jordan
In a statement, Netanyahu said: "President Trump and also Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, as well as others, have asked us to help remove hundreds of White Helmets from Syria. have saved lives danger, "said Netanyahu in a video statement. "I have therefore authorized their transfer by Israel to other countries as an important humanitarian measure".

An earlier statement by the Israel Defense Forces stated: "Following a directive by the Israeli government and at the request of the United States and other European countries, the IDF has recently completed a humanitarian effort to rescue members of a Syrian civil organization and their families.

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Under the tightest secrecy, the group began to gather its people; Activists were invited to visit two places along the fence, one in the northern Golan, near Quneitra, and one near the Israeli-Syrian-Jordanian border.

They traveled to these points on foot and by other means. At 11 o'clock in the morning. On Saturday night, the army opened border crossings, guarding the evacuees for fear of attacking them as they were crossing Israel. Syrian militants and civilians were transported by bus, and Israeli soldiers gave them food on the bus while they were traveling to the crossing point with Jordan. No stop has been made.

The Jordanians were waiting, as planned, on their side of the border. By 6 am Sunday, the 800 were transferred to Jordanian buses. Most of the people were children, some of them relatives of activists and other orphans who had been injured in the battles.

White helmets are sponsored by humanitarian groups primarily in the United States and Canada and work in Syria to provide food, psychological support and other forms of badistance.

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