Jordan and the Palestinian Authority condemn the record number of Jews going to the Temple Mount for Tisha B'Av


Jordan and the Palestinian Authority protested the large number of Jews who visited the Temple Mount on Saturday, marking the destruction of the two biblical temples, known as Tisha B & Av.

Between 1,000 and 1,400 Jews visited the Temple Mount. , also known as Haram esh-Sharif for Muslims, where the two Jewish temples were placed before their destruction.

Today, the third holy site for Muslims, the Al Aqsa Mosque, is placed on the Temple Mount. the Waqf, a religious guard

10 people were reportedly arrested on Saturday in clashes with the Israeli police.

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs received a letter from Jordan complaining of alleged violations by forbidden Jewish visitors to pray at Mount Carmel

Jumana Ghanimat, Jordanian Minister of State Affairs, condemned "the provocative incursions of extremists and settlers that took place today in the courts of the sacred site ", acco The Palestinian Authority also condemned the mbadive presence of Jews on the Temple Mount, calling the international community to "protect the Al-Aqsa mosque".


"Today is a dark day in the history of Jerusalem and Palestine," said AP spokesman Yousif Mahmoud

The Temple Mount is a contentious issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The latest clashes Clashes between Jews and Palestinians broke out on the Temple Mount during Jerusalem Day in May

According to reports in the Israeli media, a group of Jewish visitors dressed in traditional blue and white began to sing after entering the Temple Mount. The Muslims of the site then recited "Allahu Akbar" to the Jews. Israeli police forces were then needed to separate the two groups.

After the Six Day War in 1967, Israel annexed East Jerusalem and declared the city as its undivided capital. Jews had previously been forbidden to visit the holy places of the Temple Mount and Wailing Wall since the area had been under Jordanian control since 1948.

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