Press TV-Syrian forces intensify anti-terror push in south-west


Syrian warplanes, backed by the Russian Air Force, stepped up their attacks against the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group's rallies along the Israeli-Jordanian border in the south-west of Syria

. the Golan Heights occupied by Israel and Jordan, where remnants of the terrorist group have been entrenched in recent days after other rival militants have been routed by the Syrian army in the region, reported Sunday Reuters.

According to the Syrian Army, the agricultural zone is the only territorial pocket of southwestern Syria currently owned by Daesh, which lost all its urban strongholds in the country at the end of the year last. The army also said Sunday that it had killed "dozens of terrorists" in a campaign to crush the terrorists.

Russian planes conducted air raids against Daesh and other terrorist groups in Syria at the request of the Damascus government since September 2015.

Air strikes helped Syrian forces advance against militants anti-Damascus, which have wreaked havoc in the country since 2011.

The development took place only two days after Syrian government forces and fighters of the popular groups of defense. liberated nearly two dozen towns and villages in the provinces of Deraa and Quneitra. Since June 19, the Syrian army is conducting a major anti-terrorist operation in both provinces.

Syrians continue to recover key areas of Daesh and other terrorist groups across the country. Syrian forces are currently engaged in a battle in Dayr al-Zawr province as Daesh struggles to keep its last positions in eastern Syria.

On May 21, the general command of the Syrian army and armed forces announced that al-Hajar al-Aswad district and al-Yarmouk camp were totally purged of terrorists.

The development was preceded by the expulsion of Takfiri terrorists from the cities of Yalda, Babbila and Beit. Sahem in the southern suburbs of Damascus.

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