High Court decides that the AG can continue to meet the PM head-to-head despite polls – Israel News



PRIME MINISTER BENJAMIN NETANYAHU consults with Avichai Mandelblit ..
(Photo credit: REUTERS)


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The Supreme Court of Justice ruled on Sunday that Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit could continue to meet Benjamin Netanyahu in private despite public polls on the Prime Minister's corruption.

Several parties had asked the High Court to order Mandelblit to refrain from one-on-one meetings to avoid the appearance of impropriety and to avoid any possibility that Netanyahu would influence the prosecutor's decisions. general regarding his destiny.

Mandelblit rejected these petitions as interfering with his fundamental role in which he functions as the state's first attorney and his main legal advisor.

The Requesting Parties have suggested that Mandelblit could fulfill these roles, but that it should have other people present at all meetings and make summaries of them in order to avoid any conflict of interest. ;interest.

Finally, the court upheld Mandelblit's discretion on the issue

. Delblit meets Netanyahu for various reasons. Meetings often include advisers, but sometimes they involve sensitive political issues and involve only both.

Judges Isaac Amit, Yosef Elron and Yael Wilner agree with Mandelblit's view that he should have discretionary power over the issue. In addition, the court noted that in its previous decisions, it rejected any idea that Mandelblit had a special personal interest conflict in the handling of Netanyahu family-related matters as a result of having been the secretary of the cabinet of Netanyahu

The court hinted that these personal issues were part of the real motive of the petitions, which facilitated their rejection, since the argument of personal history had already been rejected by a panel of five judges .

A Mandelblit spokesperson noted that the Attorney General makes his schedule of meetings – including meetings with the Prime Minister – public every three months hs, and that summaries of meetings are kept for office records .

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