At Comic-Con, "Aquaman" and others score with super fans


Director Mr. Night Shyamalan stated that when he directed his 2000 film "Unbreakable", studio directors warned against advertising as a story cartoon.

It was "too marginal," he says. "It's [for]" these people "who go to these conventions."

This time, Mr. Shyamalan was not only at the convention, but he was asking the approval of the participants. The director of "The Sixth Sense" and "Split" told the story Friday at Comic-Con International, where he brought footage of his latest feature film, "Glbad," a follow-up of "Unbreakable" that Universal Pictures hoped to generate buzz among core fans that can translate into overall box office success.

More than 130,000 people – many dressed as characters like Marge Simpson or Thor – descend to the seaside convention center for the annual fandom celebration. several days of panels, merchandise sales and studio presentations of upcoming movies and TV shows.

When it was founded in the 1970s, Comic-Con drew a niche crowd. But since movies like "

Iron Man

"And" Spider-Man "have turned comics into profit drivers in most major studios, it's not the movie stars and directors who are the most powerful people in the convention center. the fans that they come to court.

Hits and Misses

The slightest misstep in a crowd ready to tweet or post on their reactions to the first images can give a tone that lasts until the Release of the film.It was difficult to gain momentum for Warner Bros. "King Arthur: The legend of the sword" after his images was met with shrugs at the convention in 2016. (The film opened the following year and reported $ 39 million.) On the other hand, blockbusters like "

dead Pool

"Built early buzzing there and got him to box office success.

This year the next DC Comics feature,"



Jason Mamoa

as an amphibious superhero, has attracted the highest level of response on social media platforms, according to an badysis of the badysis firm ListenFirst. This is good news for Warner Bros., who has been trying in recent years to rejuvenate his DC brand after critics like "Justice League" and "Suicide Squad" turned fans into skeptics. The other offers of the studio, the cartoon "Shazam!" And Harry Potter "Fantastic Beasts: The Grindelwald Crimes", also scored high, although the latter may have been partly due to a surprise appearance by

Johnny Depp

in the character. (Warner Bros. has also launched a savvy call to immediately broadcast the Comic-Con trailer, allowing people to weigh everywhere.)

& nbsp;

"Venom", a humorous adaptation of a journalist who becomes the host of a sharp – toothed extraterrestrial, was also well received among the crowd, some of them shouted: " We are Venom! " On the TV side, fans were more talkative about "Doctor Who" and "The Walking Dead", who used his convention look to confirm this star

Andrew Lincoln

was leaving the show.

Queen of the Scream

Jamie Lee Curtis

is darning his role "Halloween" in a reboot

John Carpenter

The horror film was released in October and the trailer of Friday was a hit with the crowd.

Her character, Laurie Strode, began as a teenager who experienced unimaginable trauma at a time when few people know how to treat it. Mrs. Curtis said. In this sequel, she finally has a chance to take revenge. "It's a woman who has waited 40 years … to resume [her] the story," she said.

Then, the kind of surreal moment that Comic-Con can bring has arrived. During the question and answer session, a middle-aged man told Ms. Curtis that her performance in "Halloween" saved her life. Years ago, he discovered in his own house an invader with a knife. Rather than panic, he asked, "What would Jamie Lee Curtis do?" He grabbed knitting needles.

"I went down to the neighbor's house, and I started shouting like in the movie," he said.

"Are you serious?" Mrs. Curtis asked. When it became clear, she stepped out of the scene to kiss him in a flurry of flashes from a smartphone.

I adore the 80s

It can be said that a new generation of filmmakers calls the shots when the movies are set. After "Stranger Things" popularized the 1980s, some of the biggest features of Comic-Con this year also embraced the decade. "Wonder Woman 1984" and the new episode "Transformers" "Bumblebee" take place in the 80s, with "Wonder Woman" showing a scene in a food mall and "Bumblebee" with a Sony Walkman alongside the giant robots

A first for & # 39; Monstress & # 39;

Comics and graphic novels have their due at Comic-Con. On Friday night, the Will Eisner Awards Comic Industry Awards have awarded the Best Writer Award to the first woman in her 30 years of existence. Marjorie Liu won the "Monstress" award, about an early twentieth-century Asian teenager who discovers a mysterious bond with a monster. The series written by Ms. Lui and drawn by Sana Takeda for Image Comics has won a total of five awards.

The Serious Side

Like many Hollywood, Comic-Con has not proceeded this year with no intersection with the greatest political moment. Friday,

Walt Disney

broke his relationship with the director of "Guardians of the Galaxy"

James Gunn,

a fan favorite to infuse the franchise with a sense of humor archi. He was fired from heading the third installment after critics resurfaced tweets that he wrote between 2008 and 2012, in which he made badually explicit jokes, including some about kids. Mr. Gunn said that he understands the decision, and that his tweets "do not reflect the person I am today." Spread propagation news that participants checked their phones in Hall H, the cavernous convention space where fans sat for hours presentations

Some worry about what it might mean for franchise. "I do not see anyone putting themselves in his shoes," said Taylor Frohreich, a 35-year-old trade employee from Mareno Valley, Calif., Who had waited overnight for seats at the airport. inside the lobby

More Than Comics [19659007] Pilar Montes, a retired computer scientist from Santa Barbara, could have dressed up as "Star Trek"


as she did in the past, or trotted on the female Darth Vader costume that she made from recycled materials. Instead, she opted for a more current choice: the Supreme Court Justice

Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

"She's the real heroine, do not you think?" Said Ms. Montes, dressed in a black judge dress and a lace scarf that she made herself.

Trenten Eldred, 22 years old from San Diego, came as

Indiana Jones,

not so unusual for Comic-Con. But his friend

Helena Christensen

He came dressed like the rock chasing him in "The Lost Ark Adventurers".

"He said:" You could be Mary Jane's "I said:" Why am I not the rock? "Very far in the center of congress without being stopped for photos.

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