Israel attacks in northwest Syria


The Syrian news agency SANA reported Sunday evening that an Israeli air strike had hit a military post in the city of Misyaf in Syria's Hama province but caused only material damage.

According to Lebanese media, the strike was executed from Lebanon's territory.

 Photo: Attack in Hama

Photo: Attack in Hama

The Hezbollah-affiliated Al Mayadeen network reported that the targets were scientific research centers.

The newsflash did not elaborate on what exactly had been targeted. An intelligence source said a major military research center for chemical weapons production was located near the city.

A Syrian military source said that "one of the military sites near Masyaf was attacked by the Israeli Air Force (IAF)," according to the SANA news agency.

 Visitors 'Center Near Misyaf (Photo: Intelli Times)

Visitors' Center Near Misyaf (Photo: Intelli Times)

The Source casualties were reported.

However, Syrian opposition members reported that Iran's Revolutionary Guards and Hezbollah's members were killed in the alleged strike.

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that "loud explosions" were heard in the Masyaf area.

It was also reported in the vicinity of security facts in Masyaf's outskirts as the result of an Israeli strike. No casualties were reported.

According to Syrian reports four Israeli fighter jets took part in the attack, with three missiles being intercepted by Syria's airspace defense system.

 September 's Attacked Affiliated to Israel

September' s Attacked Affiliated to Israel

Last September, the Syrian and Lebanese Media reported that the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center
(CERS), which is responsible, among others, for developing missiles and chemical weapons, with some of its S-60 missiles being transferred to Hezbollah.

CERS weapons program includes the development of the S-60 in preparation for transfer to the Shiite terror organization

The Center for Scientific Research provided by North Korea and Iran.

Syrian state media last week said Israeli rockets had struck
a Syrian military position near the airport of Aleppo.

Israel, concerned that Iran's growing presence in Syria poses a threat to its security, has been suspected in Iranian and Iran-backed positions in Syria.

Iran is a key ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad and supports a number of militias, including Lebanon's Hezbollah, who has thousands of fighters joining battles in support of his rule.

Syrian civil defense activists, along with their families, from a war zone in southern Syria, the German newspaper Bild reported on Sunday.

It was the first such Israeli intervention in Syria's lengthy civil war, now in its eight year.

According to the report, the rescued activists belong to the White Helmets,
Civil Defense, which is a volunteer organization which operates in a controlled and controlled manner in the United States, and which operates in the United States.

Reuters contributed to this article.

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