Another appreciation of the long and endless life of Unrwa


With regard to the July 19 letter of former Unrwa Commissioner Karen Koning AbuZayd: All the world's refugees receive United Nations badistance from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), except for a group of Palestinians living in Syria, Jordan and Lebanon Gaza and the so-called Occupied Territories, including East Jerusalem, which receive badistance from the Relief and Rescue Office. of United Nations Work for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (Unrwa)

UNHCR provides services to all other Palestinian refugees including those from the Gulf States, Egypt, Iraq , Yemen or anywhere else in the world. Why this duplication? Why not let UNHCR take care of all the refugees? Who needs Unrwa?

UNHCR takes care of all its refugees by (1) voluntary repatriation, (2) integration into their country of asylum and (3) resettlement in third countries. Unrwa will have nothing. Its role is to help refugees until there is a "comprehensive solution" to the Arab-Israeli conflict. This seems to mean a return of Unrwa's customers to Israel.

Jordan Rosenberg

San Francisco

The reason the Palestinian refugee problem has never been solved is that the surrounding Arab states do not want that this problem be solved. They prefer to keep them poor and stateless to justify their continued conflict with Israel.

Martin Wbaderman

Dec. From Palo Alto, California.

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