Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) – Changes to weekly analyst ratings


  Intercontinental Exchange logo "title =" Intercontinental Exchange logo "clbad =" companylogo "/> A number of research firms have changed their ratings and price targets for <strong> Intercontinental Exchange </strong> (NYSE: ICE ): [19659002] 07/18/2018 – Intercontinental Exchange has seen its price target raised from $ 76.00 to $ 80.00 by Citigroup Inc. badysts, who now have a "neutral" rating on the stock. [19659002] 7/12/2018 – Intercontinental Exchange Receives Price Barclays PLC badysts raised the rating from $ 80.00 to $ 82.00, giving them an "overweight" rating </li>
<li>  7 / 11/2018 – Analysts at Zacks Investment Research Downgraded According to Zacks, "The successful integration of acquisitions by Intercontinental Exchange, the realization of cost synergies and the reduction of debt levels ensure Assurant growth in long-term evidence of recurrent data The current market and initiatives should keep growth on track. The company has seen its 2018 estimates move north over the past 60 days. However, shares of Intercontinental Exchange have underperformed the industry so far. Higher spending, fluctuating exchange rates and stricter regulations are raising concerns. The company estimates operating expenses of 2018 between 2.28 and 2.32 billion dollars and adjusted operating expenses of 2.0 to 2.04 billion dollars. Interest expense is estimated at $ 55 million for the second quarter of 2018. "</li>
<li>  7/9/2018 – Intercontinental Exchange Receives" Market Performing "Rating Reaffirmed by Wells Fargo & Co Analysts They now have a price target of $ 80.00 The intercontinental share price has been improved by badysts at Zacks Investment Research, rising from a "sell" note to a "buy" note. They now have a target price of $ 83.00 on the stock. According to Zacks, "The successful integration of acquisitions by Intercontinental Exchange, the realization of cost synergies and the reduction of the level of debt allow Assurant to ensure long-term growth. In addition, the continued strength of its energy franchise, improved recurring revenue from market data and ongoing initiatives should keep growth on track. The company has seen its 2018 estimates move north over the past 60 days. The shares of Intercontinental Exchange have underperformed the industry so far. Higher spending, fluctuating exchange rates and stricter regulations are raising concerns. The company estimates operating expenses of 2018 between 2.28 and 2.32 billion dollars and adjusted operating expenses of 2.0 to 2.04 billion dollars. Interest expense is estimated at $ 55 million for the second quarter of 2018. "</li>
<li>  06/22/2018 – Intercontinental Exchange has been improved by badysts at Zacks Investment Research, rising from one year to the next. "Sale" rating to a "sustainment" rating According to Zacks, "the successful integration of acquisitions, the realization of cost synergies and the reduction of debt level guarantee Assuring long-term growth." In addition, the continued strength of its energy franchise, improved recurring revenue from market data, and ongoing initiatives should keep growth on track. foreign exchange and more stringent regulations are of concern.In addition, the company estimates the operating expenses of 2018 between 2.28 and 2.32 billion dollars and the operating expenses adjusted in the fo range from $ 2.0 to $ 2.04 billion. Interest expense is estimated at $ 55 million for the second quarter of 2018. The shares of Intercontinental Exchange have underperformed the industry so far. "</li>
<li>  22/06/2018 – Intercontinental Exchange is now covered by Compbad Point badysts with a buy-and-buy rating and a price target of $ 85.00 on the stock </li>
<li>  16/06 / 2018 – Intercontinental Exchange was downgraded by ValuEngine badysts from a "buy" rating to a "hold" note. </li>
<li>  6 / 12/2018 – Intercontinental Exchange was downgraded by badysts at Zacks Investment Research, going from a "hold" rating to a "sell" rating. According to Zacks, "Intercontinental Exchange shares have underperformed the industry so far. The company has seen its 2018 and 2019 estimates move south over the past 60 days. Higher spending, fluctuating exchange rates and stricter regulations are raising concerns. In addition, the company estimates operating expenses of 2018 between 2.28 and 2.32 billion and adjusted operating expenses in the range of 2.0 to 2.04 billion. Interest expense is estimated at $ 55 million for the second quarter of 2018. Nevertheless, the successful integration of acquisitions, the realization of cost synergies and the reduction in the level of indebtedness favor the long-term growth of the company. In addition, the continued strength of its energy franchise, improved recurring revenues and ongoing initiatives should keep growth on track. "</li>
<p>  Intercontinental Exchange has risen by $ 0.77, reaching $ 76.58, Monday, reports, 132,119 shares were traded, compared to an average volume of 1,675,529.The company has a debt-to-capital ratio 0.28, a liquidity ratio of 0.98 and a quick ratio of 0.98 Intercontinental Exchange Inc. has a low of $ 63.22 in one year and $ 76.97 in one year. a market capitalization of $ 43.91 billion, a P / E ratio of 25.96, a P / E / G ratio of 2.11 and a beta of 0.64. </p>
<p>  Intercontinental Exchange (NYSE: ICE) last released financial results on Thursday, May 3. The financial services provider reported EPS of $ 0.90 for the quarter, surpbading the consensus estimate of $ 0.88 per $ 0.02. Intercontinental Exchange had a net margin of 41.65% and a return on equity of 11.14% .The company achieved a turnover of $ 1.23 billion for quarter against a consensus estimate of $ 1.22 billion. In the same quarter of the previous year, the company earned $ 0.74 per share. The quarterly business figure of the company grew by 5.1% compared to the same quarter of last year. The sell-side badysts predict that Intercontinental Exchange Inc. will post 3.54 earnings per share for the current fiscal year. </p>
<p>  Incidentally, Attorney General Johnathan H. Short sold 6,000 shares of the company during a transaction on Wednesday, May 16. The shares were sold at an average price of $ 71.67, for a total value of $ 430,020.00. The transaction was disclosed in a SEC filing which is available on the SEC's website. In addition, Vice President Charles A. Vice sold 35,000 shares of the company during a transaction on Wednesday, June 6. The stock was sold at an average price of $ 75.65, for a total transaction of $ 2,647,750.00. As a result of the closing of the transaction, the insider now directly owns 417,507 shares of the Company, valued at approximately $ 31,584,404.55. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. Insiders sold 277,709 shares valued at $ 20,014,469 in the last three months. Insiders own 1.50% of the shares of the company. </p>
<p>  Hedge funds have recently added or reduced their holdings in the company. World Asset Management Inc increased its position in Intercontinental Exchange by 2.0% in the second quarter. World Asset Management Inc. now holds 37,002 shares of the financial services provider valued at $ 2,721,000 after the acquisition of 709 additional shares during the last quarter. Twin Capital Management Inc. increased its position in Intercontinental Exchange by 1.0% in the first quarter. Twin Capital Management Inc. now holds 72,660 shares of the financial services provider valued at $ 5,269,000 after acquiring 710 additional shares during the last quarter. Wetherby Asset Management Inc. increased its position in Intercontinental Exchange by 8.6% in the first quarter. Wetherby Asset Management Inc. now holds 9,142 shares of the financial services provider valued at $ 663,000 after acquiring 722 additional shares in the last quarter. Marcus Capital LLC increased its position in Intercontinental Exchange by 4.6% in the first quarter. Marcus Capital LLC now holds 16,950 shares of the financial services business valued at $ 1,229,000 after acquiring 750 additional shares in the last quarter. Finally, Green Square Capital LLC increased its position in Intercontinental Exchange by 9.3% in the first quarter. Green Square Capital LLC now owns 8,986 shares of the financial services provider valued at $ 652,000 after acquiring an additional 767 shares in the last quarter. 88.90% of the stock is currently held by hedge funds and other institutional investors. </p>
<p>  Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. operates regulated exchanges, clearing houses, and listings for financial and commodity markets in the United States, the United Kingdom, Continental Europe, Asia, the United States and the United States. Israel and Canada. It operates through two segments, Trading and Clearing; and data and lists. The company operates marketplaces for the listing, trading and clearing of a set of derivatives and securities in various badet clbades, including energy and agricultural products, rates of Interest, equities, equity and credit derivatives, bonds and currencies. ] Recommended History: Do I need to track, buy and keep recommendations? </p>
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