Jill Duggar Israel's son poses with a Pete mascot gun and some fans are angry


Oh oh! Jill Duggar faced backlash after sharing a picture of her son Israel posing alongside Pistol Pete, the mascot of Oklahoma State University. Some fans were upset by the old star Counting On because they believe that the mascot is a "false idol" and a bad influence.

"I am so tired of seeing Pistol Pete, idol in my opinion," wrote one of Jill's disciples, "Why does this child and this false idol make the form of the" L "with their fingers, which means "loser", that's what I learned from my grandchildren, what horror of teaching a small child. "That's not the gun Pete WTF who takes her to Disney, "writes another. However, not everyone was angry because of their family history with the mascot.

When Israel was only two months old, Jill shared an adorable photo of her son wearing an OSU badplate. In addition, the school is Derick Dillard's alma mater, and Derick's father, Rick, also went to college. In fact, Rick was Pistol Pete for a while, so Derick later wanted to surprise his father by secretly trying for the same role. Unfortunately, Rick died in January 2008 due to an unknown heart condition, and that was before Derick could tell him. Derick did not land the role in April 2008, but the following spring, he tried it again and did it.

"I think it was a way for him to return something," said Cathy Dillard Byrum. during an interview with The O. Colly in 2009. "When you lose somebody you think about the thing you would have liked to say, I would have liked you to the feats, and it was a way for him to wrap everyone up and make it. "It looks like the mascot still occupies a special place in Jill and Derick's heart considering his latest photo. On the plus side, some of Jill's supporters thought her breaking of Pistol Pete and Israel was the sweetest thing ever, so she had some support!

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