Kaine, Stewart argue in the first debate | Election


Viewers may have been listening to two US Senate candidates: outgoing Democrat Tim Kaine and his GOP challenger, Prince William County Supervisory Council Chairman Corey Stewart. But the focus has been on a name that will not appear on the ballot in November: Donald Trump

Kaine said Stewart was "100%" for Trump, while Stewart has claimed that Kaine was "always against" Trump. Kaine and Stewart traded beards Saturday, July 21, in Hot Springs, during the first debate since Stewart got the nomination of the GOP in June. The debate was hosted by the Virginia Bar Association and moderated by "PBS NewsHour" chief anchor and editor Judy Woodruff.

Kaine criticized Trump for "picking up fights" with allies like Canada and Germany, but "spezed" Russia's Summit in Helsinki

"[Trump] believed Putin to Americans who have concluded that Russia was attacking our election, "said Kaine. "We do not need anyone to tear up alliances and give in to dictators."

Stewart stated that it is important that the United States work with Russia on issues such as the fight against international terrorism and security badistance on the Korean peninsula. This first debate aimed at "motivating" supporters to volunteer for the campaign and to vote in the November elections, without specifically targeting "these votes really undecided". ", Said Stephen Farnsworth, professor of political science and international affairs at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg.Farnsworth is also director of the Center for Leadership and Media Studies of the University. [19659002"Mostpeoplewent[the debate] to know who they want to encourage," said Farnsworth. "… There are only a small number of voters undecided, and they will not pay attention to this. that someone said until October. "

Farnsworth said that he was not surprised that Trump was mentioned a lot in the debate because" people are not sure. they point to politics according to what they think of President Trump. "

" The only people who will pay much attention to a debate on a Saturday in July are people who are already in political and supporters, "Farnsworth said." There are not a lot of swingi voters sts. The calls are more directed to them in October, when they are more likely to pay attention. "

The race will be decided by the voters on November 6. At least one more debate is scheduled before the election: The North Virginia Chamber of Commerce will host one on the Capital One campus in Tysons on September 26.

Kaine also is engaged in a debate organized by WTVR / WCVE in Richmond with a date to be determined.

Kaine and Stewart Stewart criticized the Affordable Care Act for the "KIT". Increased health care costs, but said that it supports allowing children up to age 26 to be on their parents' health insurance. 39; he also argues not to exclude people with pre-existing conditions.

"The quality of health care has declined since the adoption of the ACA in 2010," said Stewart.

Kaine says that he supports the Affordable Care Act.He also said that he thought the go The federal government should negotiate the prices of prescription drugs under Medicare.

The Supreme Court

Woodruff asked Stewart how he would rate Brett Kavanaugh, who is being replaced by Trump. Anthony Stewart said he would judge a candidate on the ability to interpret the US Constitution, adding that Kavanaugh is qualified.

Stewart stated that Kaine is taking "orders" from House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, Senator Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton

"[Kaine] will vote against [Kavanaugh]," said Stewart. "Why? Because it's against everything that President Trump does."

The US Senate will hold a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee and if the committee votes to go ahead with the candidate , a majority of the Senate must confirm the appointment.

He will wait after the hearing and will make his decision on the basis of Kavanaugh's merits.


Stewart states that the US Supreme Court's decision on Roe v. Wade, who legalized abortion on a national scale, He thinks that abortion legislation should be left to states.

Kaine said that he did not think his position as an elected one was to pbad laws "criminalizing women for exercising their own reproductive choices."

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