A huge stone stands out from the Wailing Wall


A large stone was detached from the Wailing Wall early Monday, breaking into the egalitarian prayer area, just a few meters from one of the women praying there. Nobody was hurt.

As a result of this unusual incident, the mixed prayer area was closed and the staff of the Israel Antiquities Authority was called to the scene to badess the situation.

Video: Wailing Wall Stone Falls (צילום: אלכס גמבורג)

The Egalitarian Prayer Zone, called the "Ezrat Yisrael" Square, is located south of the Great Square of Prayer. The area was established for conservative and reformed Jews who wish to pray without the segregation of men and women.

In recent years, the Ezrat Yisrael Square has been at the center of controversy over a plan to expand the area of ​​equalitarian prayer to accommodate the more liberal visitors of the holy place.

Only a few weeks ago, members of the ministerial committee responsible for authorizing the renovation of the square submitted their resignation one by one.

  Rock stands out from the west wall

Rock stands out from the west wall

The mbadive rock fell a few hours after the evening prayer that concluded the fasting of Tisha B & A, when the western wall is particularly full of faithful.

Security cameras on the site captured a woman who was praying late at night when one of the rocks of the Wall broke up several meters from her. The frightened woman immediately escaped the scene.

"A great disaster was averted," said Yizhar Hess, the executive director and chief executive of the conservative movement in Israel. "The Wailing Wall, which stands with Israel for many generations, reminds us that it must also go through routine engineering inspections, the professionals are already there."

Hess noted that the adjacent prayer balcony The Western Wall will be closed until further notice, the area of ​​equalitarian prayer will remain open.

"The two sections of the Kotel should be inspected to prevent, God forbid, a serious disaster in the future," he concluded.

In an interview with Ynet, Hess added that "if God forbid, a loose stone a day earlier, the worshipers would have been hurt."

<img src = "https://images1.ynet.co.il/PicServer5/2018/07/23/8674480/86744770100037640360no.jpg" border = "0" width = "640" hm = "0" title = "The Western Wall (Photo: GST)" alt = "The Western Wall (Photo: GST) [19659013] The Wailing Wall (Photo: GST)

" The Authority of Antiquities Israel is currently studying the issue: the mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, as well as the district police chief and the district archaeologist, have also arrived at the scene, "Hess added. Hess, "This is not something common and that has not happened in the past, it may be because of fatigue, the Western Wall is the object of our prayers and a remember the Temple. It is also a 2,000 year old retaining wall and it should be examined from the point of view of engineering. "

" I confess that I am more worried about the most famous segment of the Wailing Wall, because there the prayer is longer, so if a rock has to come off, the disaster could be much more serious, "he said.

"I hope that at the next inquiry committee, no one will wonder why the western wall was not inspected after the first rock's fall, which I think should be the high priority this morning ". said.

  Photo: Western wall requires inspection after stone comes off (Photo: GST)

Photo: Western wall requires inspection after stone comes off (Photo: GST)

The Rabbi of the Western Wall, Shmuel Rabinovich, said: "This is an extremely rare and unusual incident, which has not occurred for many years.

"The fact that this powerful incident occurred after the fasting of Tisha B & Av, during which we cried the destruction of the First and Second Temples, triggers questions too complex for the human soul can contain and requires introspection. "

In a statement, the Jerusalem Municipality said: "After the fall of the stone on Ezrat Yisrael Square, the mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, the city engineer and members of the Department of Structures Dangerous arrived on the scene 19659002]

"The city engineer issued an order of dangerous structures and the area was fenced to prevent entry until the 39; Authority of Antiquities of Israel looks into the case.

"In the coming days, the Antiquities Authority will map the stones, with the aim of preserving them and eliminating all danger," the statement concluded.

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