Singapore 3rd largest destination for Indians | India Post


COIMBATORE: India has become the third largest source market for the arrival of visitors to Singapore after China and Indonesia, said a senior official at the office of city-state tourism. In the five-month period from January to May this year, a total of 6.1 million people from India visited the country, the regional director of Singapore's International Tourism Group told reporters , GB Srithar, to journalists.
2017 was a record year for the board of directors, with arrivals from India having crossed the one million mark for the third time in a row, posting the highest growth rate 16 percent compared to all markets. Noting that India has become the third largest source market for the arrival of visitors to Singapore, he said the board was expecting another happy new year as Indian travelers said they would be happy. were eager to visit his country.
Similarly, India continues to be the main source The cruise market has recorded an increase of 1.27 million pbadengers compared to last year, an increase of 25 % compared to 2016, he added. Srithar was here as part of a road show to present Singapore with a theme "With pbadion, forging new possibilities". With the tour, the Tourism Office planned to deepen its existing partnership and promote new initiatives with tourism sector partners, he said. PTI



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