A blood moon comes this weekend and it will make you super MOODY


The super-moons of recent months hit us hard, disrupting our emotions and leaving us as absolute emotional wrecks.

Now another bloody moon is about to cross our skies and we are here to warn you that things will become VERY changeable.

Saturday, July 28, 2018 is the day the Blood Moon will invade our Australian skies, and it will be the longest total eclipse of this century!

Not only will this be a stellar photo opportunity, but the event is set to make our mood a hundred times worse.

Astrologers believe that the moons of blood send our emotions into serious overwork, meaning that this weekend is going to have hectic things in the store.

Earlier in the year, the super blood moon made our roller coaster months of emotions up and down and that 's no different.

Those who have the Aquarius astrological sign (January 20 – February 18) are the ones who feel the most the effects of this phenomenon, because the moon and Mars retrograde dominate your sign, so if it is you, you better prepare yourself.

It's also thought that full moons have a negative effect on our sleep patterns, so many people get up on the wrong side of the bed this weekend!

This also affects levels of serotonin and other important things, which means that there is often an increase in the incidences of accidents, anxiety, depression, and other Insomnia, SCI, badual activity, migraines, alcoholism and homicide during this period.

Things will go wild …

We will not have another one before 2100, so you MUST check this from your list of choices!

Here are the homework you need to know!

[Toutes les heures dans AEST]

The eclipse will start early Saturday, July 28 and it will reach a total eclipse to 5.30am.

After Earth Sky Here are the times when you will see the eclipse:

3.14am The penumbral eclipse begins

4.24am L & Partial eclipse begins

5.30am Beginning of total eclipse

6.21am Peak eclipse

7.13am End of total eclipses

Fingers crossed this moon of blood do not inflict not too much damage ..

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