Xiamen, China to open an economic mission to Israel


With Beijing and Dongguan already with economic trading offices in Israel, Xiamen becomes the third Chinese city to do so. In fact, Xiamen is already locating offices in Tel Aviv as it prepares to open a technology prospecting office in the city.

These three initiatives are part of the continuing growth of Sino-Israeli economic and trade partnerships. The relationship seems more and more symbiotic as Chinese companies are looking for Israeli entrepreneurs offering technological innovations.

Israel may still have deep connections and business opportunities in the West, but the growing influence of China has pushed many Israeli entrepreneurs to turn to the Far East. . Chinese cities, unlike their Indian counterparts with whom Israel has long-standing relations, have large pockets to finance such missions.

Xiamen Torch's Hi-Tech Development Continues in August in Search of Innovative Israeli Companies

Xiamen's New Economic Mission Can Be Viewed in the Broader Context of the Belt and Road Initiative from China. In fact, it is the Chinese companies that build the much vaunted railway line between Eilat and Ashdod that will essentially connect the Red Sea and the Mediterranean for cargo.


Bridge and Road InitiativeChinaTel AvivXiamen

About the Author

  Gavriel Dan

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