Is your company protected? Uninterruptible Power Supply 101, by Nationwide Power – Press Release


Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) are designed to keep businesses operating when electricity supply is disrupted. For many industries, the cost of downtime is simply too expensive.

LAS VEGAS – July 24, 2018 – (

Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) are designed to keep businesses running when electricity supply is interrupted.

Potential Impacts of Power Outages Include:

  • Loss of Data When There Is No Possibility to Close Safely
  • Loss of Mobile Connection When Connectivity network fails
  • Loss of credit card processing capabilities for retailers
  • Security issues. Check out this article where customers have been stranded in a casino lift for over an hour!
  • Gap in security if surveillance systems go offline
  • Loss of confidence in consumers

And the list goes on.

UPS systems can help you cope with a power outage, but this is not the only time that an UPS is important. The biggest advantages of UPS systems are as follows:

  1. Continuity – In the event of a power failure, your inverter will run smoothly. For companies that depend on the backup of the generator, it gives ample time to go to backup the generator. For other companies, operators now have the option to safely shut down all computers and network equipment before a loss of load.
  2. General Protection – The power of the network can be unpredictable. UPS systems actually clean up the power that pbades from the utility to your power supply. This is true. Your UPS system can provide a clean and constant power supply regardless of the input condition by continuously monitoring input voltage and power surges, peaks, and fault detection.

Uninterruptible power systems vary greatly in size and cost. Both types of UPS systems are single-phase and three-phase. The output is measured in kVA (1000 volts amperes). ASI systems are highly customized for the type of business and the power load that it supports. According to the designated use, a UPS system can be as low as $ 100 or more than $ 50,000. In most cases, a Critical Power Professional ™ should be consulted for the design and use of the inverter.

Who uses UPS systems? Many people buy low voltage single-phase inverters for household or personal use. For businesses, UPS systems have become a requirement for any industry that requires 100% uptime. Think of data centers, government, medical centers and hospitals, military and financial institutions, hotels, casinos and entertainment venues, to name a few.

Ready to Learn More? Visit, the leading independent provider in the industry of uninterrupted power.

Media Contact: Amy Spero
[email protected]

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Is your company protected? Uninterruptible Power Supply 101, by Nationwide Power

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