Poll: Netanyahu's Likud would win 30 seats if elections were held today – Israel News


  Poll: Netanyahu's Likud would win 30 seats if the elections were held today

A VAC Plenary Assembly of the Knesset – it does not appear that the MKs are going to have an easy summer ..


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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud has lost five seats in the last two months, according to a Midgam poll released on Channel 2 on Tuesday.

The poll revealed that if the elections were held today, the Likud would win the same 30 seats won in the 2015 elections. The party fell from the 32 seats in a Midgam poll on June 25 and 35 in a poll by the same polls released May 9.

Since this May 9 poll, Yesh Atid has gone from 18 seats to 19, the Union Zionist has won a seat from 14 to 15, and the Joint List and Bayit Yehudi have remained at 12 and eight terms . Unified Judaism of the Torah remained at seven seats, Kulanu and Yisrael Beytenu increased from six to seven, Meretz's party and Orli Levy remained at five, and Shas increased from four to five seats

. Polls suggested by the pollsters were the Gaza Strip's continuous incendiary kite attacks and Monday's protests against Netanyahu's surreporting of male gay couples. The poll found that 70% Respondents disagreed with Gaza attacks, up from 64 percent last month. The rise occurred despite the decision of the security firm to change its policies on kite attacks between the two polls.

When asked if they supported substitution protests, 56% said yes and 33% said no. There was a majority in favor of protesters among all non-haredi (ultra-Orthodox) parties, including Bayit Yehudi.

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