Experts state that the Western Wall is not in immediate danger of collapsing


A report in the Israeli media Tuesday quoted several experts familiar with the Temple Mount complex who say the significant worsening of the Western Wall is not imminent.

By: World Israel News Staff

After the descent of a Monday, from the West Wall building to the platform of prayer on the Jewish sacred site, several experts have looked at the prognosis of the old structure.

Although no one was injured Monday by accident, the entire wall, which remains one of the main pilgrimage sites in the Holy Land, could be in danger of tipping over.

Contrary to these reports, earth science professor Simon Emmanuel and archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar told Israel said Tuesday that the rocks that fall from the Wailing Wall are "very rare".

Despite their less alarmed attitude about Monday's incident, both experts stressed the need None of the scientists recommended rushing to close the prayer square or the adjacent archaeological site, defying the initial proclamations that the entire Western Wall is a "danger zone". "

Emanuel has already published on the subject in a prominent newspaper called Geology detailing his discoveries related to limestone, erosion, and weathering rates.

He said Times of Israel that periodic incidents such as Monday's accident, and a similar event in 2004 when a rock fell off the wall, represent the products of the natural process of the day. alteration of climatic structures

Emmanuel and Mazar have described several potential theories about the cause of Monday's accident, they agreed that the sacred site could remain open to the public.

Israel archeologyWestern Wall

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