Mike Francesa has ripped off Gary Sanchez's haste after the DL news


Yankees receiver Gary Sanchez was placed on the 10-day DL with a groin pain right after enduring 12 hours of criticism from Yankees fans and members of the media.

If you missed it, Sanchez allowed a runner to score second on a past ball because he did not run. Then, he gave Rays two attempts to end the game because he was not running. The Yankees would have equalized the score if Sanchez had jostled the game, but instead, they lost 7-6 against the Rays.

On Tuesday, host Mike Francesa was in the middle of a rant about Sanchez's poor effort. He mentioned reports of Sanchez playing through an injury, but he did not buy the excuse. When the show came back from a commercial break, Francesa learned that Sanchez was heading to the list of disabled people.

Francesa gets the word that Gary Sanchez may have an injury. He does not buy it. After an advertisement, Mike intervenes and reports that Sanchez goes on the DL. You can not do that. ? pic.twitter.com/3oCRiCUmJv

– Ƒunhouse (@BackAftaThis) July 24, 2018

He still did not buy it.

Francesa said:

"Okay, we hear now that he's going to DL-Sanchez, and that they gave him an MRI today, and he has an injury. Here is what I say about it: He probably had an injury for a while, but I tell you, I do not buy it last night that it was a bad thing. because if you look at the tape to get him down to the first base, when he realized what was going on, he tried to break it.This was not a guy who was limping up to the first goal – he was not a guy – and after the match he never said that he was hurt, not once, he talked about the past ball. the end of the game. He did not say once: "I felt something, I hurt myself."

Sanchez struggled a lot this season with an average of .188, and on Monday evening was clearly the reason for a bench.But Francesa was terriblem Quick to jump into the conspiracy mode even hearing about the DL news

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