The Georgia legislature under fire for actions on "Who is America?


Georgia Lawmaker Under
Fire for actions on
Who is America? Republican Rep. Jason Spencer appeared on a segment of Sacha Baron Cohen's show. Cohen, who was in the role of Israeli anti-terrorism wait for Colonel Erran Morad, convinced the legislator to carry out several racist and offensive acts. They shouted the N-word several times, dropping his pants, as Cohen's character Morad says, "use your bad to intimidate ISIS" and take a malicious cell phone photo under the burqa. a person while claiming to be a Chinese tourist. Calling Spencer's actions in the reprehensible segment, the Speaker of the Georgia House called for his immediate resignation. The segment even sparked a tweet from Georgia Governor Nathan Deal. Spencer told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that he was convinced to participate because Showtime took advantage of his fears. Georgia Rep. Jason Spencer, via CNN Spencer recently lost his election and will leave his post at Georgia House in five months.
/ Wibbitz

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